
We're weeks from a seriously hard departure from the EU

Few saw this sort of exit coming after a 52-48 vote

So @jillongovt & @anandMenon1 have a murder mystery for you

Who Killed Soft Brexit


Deal or no deal, December will be a hard exit, with extra paperwork, delays and disruption in the trading of goods likely EVEN IF we get a deal; if we don't there are trade tariffs on top

Forget the talk of Norway, Switzerland and Turkey, with different half-in-half-out regimes

The choice is between remote Canada and the (misleading labelled) "Australia" ... which, to my mind, might as well be Siberia, seeing as it's well & truly out in the cold!

There is no mystery about the role of the ERG—they proudly wield the knife.

But they were never more than c80 MPs in the 2017 parliament, a mere eighth of the total

Uncomfortably, perhaps, it's all of us who are not hardline Eurosceptics who have to face up to our own role in the hard Brexit we're now going to get

Everything gambled on referendum or even the Lib Dems' dubiously undemocratic "revoke," and everything lost

All for the "self-hating Brit" analysis(!) and our press, parliamentary procedures and political culture definitely played a role: they made compromise a dirty word

BUT the EU itself is needlessly defensive, seeing "Bespoke deals" as a threat, not an opportunity

So, in Murder on the Orient Express style, May, Corbyn, Starmer, Swinson, Arlene Foster, Sturgeon are all guilty as sin!

But there's another twist too, soft Brexit was a frail creature with internal contradictions, and may also have yielded to "natural causes"

Dive in, form your own jury, and condemn whoever you like for the murder most horrid of soft Brexit

Wise heads like @pmdfoster @davidallengreen who always urged caution in closing down compromise may enjoy the chance to return a few guilty verdicts

You can follow @prospect_clark.
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