1) Thread entitled ‘Election 2020 I have a hunch’:
I have nothing to base the following on except:

A) a gut feeling

B) my knowledge of the dialectic process and the history of it’s use by the oligarchy

C) knowledge of the US Constitution.
2) First to understand my theory, one must understand the Constitutional voting process & most Americans seem to be a bit foggy on it...
3) State legislatures appoint the electors for their respective states.

Those electors actually determine which candidate gets the Electoral College votes for their state.

The popular vote is largely procedural, when push comes to shove it’s irrelevant legally.
4) If you don’t believe me look it up for yourself:
Article 2 Section 1 US Constitution
5) The next thing you will need in order to understand my theory is to recognize the vitriol,

or the fake drama between the two sides of the #duopoly, that has been built up since the 2016 presidential (s)election.
Q/ What were the libs crying about for two years after @realdonaldtrump got (s)elected over Hillary?

A/ The Electoral College, Hillary got more popular votes nationally.

Elimination of the EC has been a long-standing goal of leftists.
7) I will not digress into specifics as to why this is part of the agenda beyond statement of fact:
that; tyranny will be easier to impose without the protections provided by the EC.
Q/ What has Trump & the right-wing talking heads beat to death for the last year?
A/ Voter fraud; the potential likelihood of it,
and illegal immigrant voting etc.

Again, why?

To build up the reaction of the right when it really happens and/or make it appear more likely
9) It’s key to remember here that although Americans who vote Democrat or Republican consider the opposition voters to be “on the other side”,

but the politicians themselves work together in concert to accomplish the will of their masters. Who are not ‘We the People’,
10) but those people who control everything, most importantly our entire banking, finance & monetary system, but here again I will not digress to far.

So stay with me here:
11) Knowing what I explained above about the Electoral College, how do you suppose those electors appointed by Republican legislatures will vote in states that have a high % of GoP voters, where there’s allegations of voter fraud?
12) What do you suppose the chances are that those electors might (legally) defy the will of the alleged popular vote?

It hasn't been done since before the Civil War as far as I know.
13) Which by the way, it’s irrelevant whether or not there was any voting fraud at all.

What is of the utmost importance is the perception that fraud was highly likely.
14) Now let’s think in terms of Hegel's dialectic process:

voting fraud this is the “PROBLEM” that will inspire the “REACTION”,

which will in turn lead to the “SOLUTION”

which was preconceived before the “PROBLEM” was intentionally created.
15) When the electors in those heavily ‘Red’ states defy the popular vote and tip the scales for Trump causing him to win re-election what do you suppose the “REACTION” nationally will be?
16) Do you think that it’s possible that it will further enrage the ‘Bolshevik style’ revolution which has already begun at the hands of “Antifa” & BLM?
17) Do u think it’s possible that conservatives will take to the streets to defend their hero Donald Trump?
18) I mean what might conservatives do in response to a potentially violent reaction from everyone who was previously dancing in the streets over a perceived Biden victory, are thoroughly devastated by an Electoral College reversal favoring their most hated man Donald Trump?
19) Ultimately, I cannot predict what the totality of the “SOLUTION” will be, beyond more tyranny and the likelihood of the destruction of the Electoral College, but it looks to me like this is what all of the drama is building towards, and if I’m right; it’s going to get ugly
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