Overwhelming fraction of those who voted for President Trump (i.e., 48% of US) believe that Trump won the actual votes. To see this, look at the reaction of the GOP leadership, except 2 Senators, none has congratulated Biden-Harris, some are publicly talking of irregularities.
Especially those likely to run in 2024 US Republican Primaries are vocally supporting Trump-South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, Senator Cruz. Senator Tom Cotton chimed in too. My guess-these are the front runners in the primary,unless an outsider like Tucker Carlson joins the fray
In the GOP base, outside Utah, there is palpable anger against Senator Mitt Romney for congratulating Biden. This becomes apparent when one sees Governor Kristi Noem’s explicit contemptuous tweet against Romney and the quote tweets on her. Romney has no hope in GOP 2024 primaries
There is an intense anger in the GoP base against Fox News, known as the conservative media voice,allegedly for betraying Trump and siding with the Democrats.Look at the responses and quote tweets on Mark Levin’s tweets on Christopher Wallace,and responses to Nolte’s piece on Fox
Bottomline, Trump’s base, which is considerable, has not deserted him. They genuinely believe that he was done in by an oligarchy cartel. Trump was not a politician 6 years back, only reason he rose so rapidly is that he voiced an existing strong resentment (class+religion).
All in the GOP who have no hope of getting further power through electoral channels are moving over or have moved over to Biden (Bushs, Romney, Maccains, all the pasts), those with electoral hopes (eg, Cruz, Cotton, Noem) are publicly talking of electoral irregularity.
I do not believe that Nikki Haley has any hope of winning GOP 2024 primaries, she may run,but she is unlike to succeed. Marco Rubio may run, but won’t go far. De Santis is likely to run, and he is also a front runner given how he carried through Florida.He is supporting Trump too
Lindsey Graham’s case is very interesting. He does not have Presidential ambitions, but he desperately needs the base to continue to win his Senate seat. Democrats employed big money against him, he came 2 Carlson’s and Hannity’s shows 2 ask 4 donations. Means, he needs GOP base.
Graham could not raise as much funds as his opponent, but won handsomely. Without the base he is toast. He is publicly supporting Trump’s contentions. Note - being part of GOP establishment for long, he is a good friend of Biden
House GOP leader Kevin Maccarthy, another member of GOP establishment is also vocally supporting lawsuits.
Romney, Maccains, Bushs are likely to join former VP Biden’s cabinet, or some other position of power, as Biden becomes President. They don’t have the popularity to win themselves any more. Romney may continue to win Utah Senate, his religion plays a role there, no further though
Two indicators as to decline of Romney’s influence in his home state: 1) he had to go through a primary in 2018 although he was the GOP Presidential candidate in 2012 2) currently Attorney Gen of Utah is taking a leave 2 join Trump’s legal team.
Means Attorney General of Utah is positioning himself as a counterweight to Romney in Utah. Means, he has aspirations for higher public office there. Path he is taking suggests that a considerable part of Utah is unhappy with Romney on his stance on Trump.
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