I get asked a lot about what's a better format - BYOB or wine-included #OnlineWineEvents

From the data, I can def tell you that Free or low-entry price events (under $/£ 15) get way more outbound clicks and calendar adds. Almost 4 to 1

But that trend may be changing. 1/
As we enter the winter months, we've been seeing on http://VirtualWineEvents.com  more paid events at higher price points hitting the Trending Events page and getting more attention.

It still outpaced by Free/low events but this may point to the changing audience focus. 2/
When virtual events first because a "thing", it was a novelty and something people looked for as a way to curb boredom during lockdowns.

But now that they're becoming more established, it seems like more people are willing to pay for higher-quality events. 3/
However, there are still huge strengths in having Free/low price BYOB events -- esp for wine classes that aren't trying to promote a particular winery.

Here you're selling yourself as an educator & you want a low barrier of entry to get people to check you out.

That said, it's still extremely smart for BYOB folks to partner with a retailer with tasting packs available for purchase.

Remember that people like convenience so having an easy option to purchase wines for an event instead of hunting them down themselves is always a plus 5/
Now for wine-included events, the big benefit is, of course, the higher revenue potential with wine sales. And it's obv a benefit if your event requires precise wines & wineries for whatever reason--such as a sponsorship for an event.

But w/ higher price comes a higher bar

And you absolutely need to make sure that your event delivers value. It's worth to explain in your description & on your landing page WHY this tasting is special and worth paying a premium for.

This is just basic marketing 101 and doesn't change with virtual events.

Folks holding wine-included events also have to accept that they're going to pulling from a self-limiting pool of potential customers as only people within a certain geographical area will be able to buy the wines from you.

This is a stark contrast to the larger pool w/ BYOB

So, overall, I'd encourage folks to adopt a hybrid approach.

Try to keep the flexibility of a BYOB but utilize partnerships with retailers (ideally in different parts of the world) for tasting packs.

But, again, there is def a place for well done wine-included events.

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