We are hearing this am at undercover policing inquiry from Philippa Kaufman the truly mind-blowing story of state sexual abuse of 20 women whom she represents by #spycops, and how these women unearthed who their “boyfriends” really were and exposed them. https://www.ucpi.org.uk/hearing/opening-statements-6/
Philippa Kaufman also represents a 21st woman who developed a friendship, albeit not a sexual relationship, with a #spycop.

You can see her giving her and others later today giving opening statements at this link: https://www.ucpi.org.uk/hearing/opening-statements-6/
Note that Philippa Kaufman’s opening statement was only live streamed this morning because she undertook not to state #spycop Carlo Neri’s real name.

I have no idea why because his real name is already in public domain. This is eerily like #CSAinquiry attempt to erase history.
But in my view it was absolutely the right call for Philippa Kaufmann (apologies for mis-spelling surname earlier) to make this ridiculous undertaking so that her horrifying opening statement was streamed in public domain.

Again, have seen no reporting of it in media so far.
Phillipa Kaufmann is giving a second opening statement on behalf of further core participants.

They include Patricia Armani da Silva, cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes, who was shot dead by police in 2005.

Turns out that #spycops targeted campaign for justice for him, too.
I will finally spell Phillippa Kaufmann’s name right. Two l’s, two p’s and two n’s.

I have got it wrong almost as many times as Sir John Mitting has forgotten to switch off his mute button.
So, as Phillippa Kaufmann points out to #spycops inquiry:

- Met mistakenly shot Jean Charles de Menezes dead;
- then Met tried to blame him for his own death;
- then he was smeared in Press as a rapist;
- then Met used #spycops to spy on the campaign aimed at seeking the truth.
To stress, Jean Charles de Menezes was falsely smeared as a rapist.

Phillippa Kaufmann says that his family want undercover policing inquiry to find out whether #spycops played any part in planting that false story.
Phillippa Kaufmann tells undercover policing inquiry that it was the practice of Met #spycops to find information about “black justice campaigns” that they had infiltrated – such as for Stephen Lawrence – for use in Press articles to trash their often high public standing.
Phillippa Kaufmann, like many representing non-state core participants, tells Sir John Mitting, chairman of #spycops inquiry, that he is not able to determine the facts because of conscious/unconscious bias, esp sexism and racism, and presses him to be assisted by a panel.
Sir John Mitting, a retired High Court judge, tells Phillippa Kaufmann how much he respects the dignity and stoicism of one of her clients, John Burke-Monerville, whose son, Trevor, was allegedly beaten at a police station.

He says that he will do his best to find the truth.
I thought that I heard this in today’s hearing, but I have been able to confirm from written statement that Phillippa Kaufmann told #spycops inquiry that a DI Paul Settle telephoned solicitor of cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes to say that Press would run rape story about Jean.
Harriet Wistrich, solicitor of Patricia Armani da Silva, cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes, had a “clear recollection” that “DI Paul Settle gave the unambiguous impression that the article was a result of a police leak,” Phillippa Kaufmann told #spycops inquiry...
DI Paul Settle later denied telling Harriet Wistrich that leak of [false] rape claim against Jean Charles de Menezes was from police, Phillippa Kaufmann told #spycops inquiry. Met’s SPD investigated, but was unable to find source of leak.

PK’s statement: https://www.ucpi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/20201026-Opening_Statements-Cat-J-CPs-Birnbergs_PKQC.pdf
Well, well, well.


All the Met’s finest hours.
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