The reason why representation politics are so easily absorbed by liberal logics is because we have been socialized to see leadership as an individualistic pursuit of power and not necessarily a collective effort to ensure systemic liberatory political practices.
Our collective attraction to messianic charismatic leaders is ritualistic: we have been invaded with a belief system that prioritizes symbolic embodiment of power all while taking into account the very essence of what the masses systematically desire: revolution and change
Because leadership doesn’t exist in a vacuum and necessitates social relationships to manifest: the fixation on charismatic authority is an idiosyncratic mechanism
that singles out those who are seen as deserving of power(leaders) from those who are seen as being conditioned by that impersonal pursuit(followers).
It completely erases how power is curated by a racial capitalistic design that is circular: charismatic representatives of those systems are conferred the power to manipulate because they are still conditioned by a bureaucratic and administrative body
that uses them to institutionalize class hierarchies. In fact, charismatic representatives are disposable and only seen as desirable when they are able to sustain the material interests of the organizations that they abide by.
This is exactly why it really doesn’t matter who is a “face in power” within the white supremacist capitalist and imperial patriarchy: it’s design is conditioned by the legalized super-exploitation of the working class and will continue to function
regardless of the absence or presence of a charismatic leader.
In the end, it’s about political positionalities:revolutionary leaders organize and distribute power. Liberal representatives of leadership ensure the preservation of capitalist power in the hands of the ruling class
Representation politics only seek to mystify the material history of class struggles created by the masses that are routinely paternalized and rendered powerless by political processes (presidential systems, voting,...)
that redirect their resources into expanding the class domination of capitalist ruling classes.
from the complete disregard for their cultures of organizing & their routinized political engagements for revolutionary change to the ritualized neutralisation of key leaders, the ruling class wants to keep operating under the guise of a being politically correct
body of power: when it uses violence and only violence to outsource power of the people to rule over the people so it can perpetuate the same self-fulling messianic prophesy that: “the masses need leaders to save them from their demise”.
For deeper comprehension: I outsourced a lot of information from this article
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