I love the liberal white-people handwringing about "Trump didn't lose by enough." Lose? Enough?

He was going to *win*, and it was because of *your* families.

Did you not know this was a racist country? Did you think Trump was an anomaly? He's not.
Of course he didn't lose by enough. Because your affluent Boomer white parents and your white supremacist-curious nephews wanted him and wanted anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, proto-Nazi policies.
It would be productive to stop complaining that Trump got so many votes, because we knew he would. We've been *telling* you this country has been racist and getting more racist. Being surprised at Trump's numbers shows you haven't been listening.
Maybe now that you've seen, decisively, how *very* *extremely* racist your families are, start working on standing up to them and their Republican friends, and do everything you can to fix it by supporting progressive policies that improve life for everyone. Thanks!
I don't understand how white liberals can get on this app every day to talk about their racist Boomer parents and then be surprised that 70m people voted for Trump. You are *related* *by blood* to his voters. You would have been one, if you didn't move to NY or SF or whatever.
We need a reality check here. Trump won because when Americans are given the option, they want to see women, LGBTQ people, Black people, Latinos, and Native people denied their rights. Not enough white liberals *fight* for other people's rights. They fight for their own.
Much has been written already, for instance, about how affluent liberal white women get riled up about abortion to protect their own options, without thinking much about poor/working class women of color who also need those rights.
Wealthy/affluent/privileged liberals have an assumption that if they get their rights, that there will be a trickle-down effect to BIPOC people.

There isn't!

You actually have to use your privilege to specifically advocate for BIPOC/LGBTQ rights!
Any white person who gets on Twitter and talks about how Trump "didn't lose by enough" was hoping for a magical redemption arc for American white people. There is no redemption arc yet. Everything is super-racist, starting with your own relatives You will have to create it.
I want white liberals to consider the following things.

Think about your families being Trump voters. That was going to be you.

You were brought up with a sense of dynastic whiteness. That white was the best thing to be.
Think about how that sense of whiteness was drilled into your head. The sheer repetition of your family saying things that implied that LGBTQ people and BIPOC were lesser, or that they didn't deserve the same rights as you.

Think about how hard it was for you to "get out."
Now think about how lucky and strange it was that you realized this programming wasn't right.

Maybe it was a book, a movie, a band, a TV show that made you feel different, that you needed to be among people who accepted Blackness or gayness.

It made you feel like an exception
What you, nice white liberals, need to do now

is to

stop coasting on the feeling of "I'm an exception/ I'm one of the good ones."

And start counterprogramming -- with repetition -- the rights of BIPOC and LGBTQ people.
Because please know this: It is not enough to be, individually, the exception."

You cannot wait for a movie or TV show or band to luckily make some other white kids realize that white supremacy is bad.

You have to be the change. Make the case. Repeat that everyone gets rights
The chief problem with white liberals IMO is that you want and expect things to be easy or magical.

That's your whiteness! It has made things easier for you!

So, socially, you thrive on easy dunks and squirm out of the hard work of making a case.
I know that actually working to reverse white supremacy -- especially when you're related to it, especially when it benefits you and gets you jobs and money and partners -- is hard. It is! Now think HOW MUCH HARDER it is for BIPOC to change it, without your advantages.
We are really going to need white liberals to stop tweeting about being the resistance and actually, in action, resist white supremacy. Because it drugs you and numbs you by benefitting you so you don't see how it exhausts and harms and kills others.
Pull it together, white liberals. 70 million of your relatives just showed you why you cannot coast on hoping everyone will agree with you. You are going to have to amplify BIPOC people, promote them, and work towards real equity -- or else you're a white supremacist too.
The end. Anyway don't come into my replies with "I'm surprised 70 million people voted for Trump" when you yourself literally sprang from racist loins. Thank you.
Two more things.

1. This idea is not about "blaming" or "confronting," it's about accountability and responsibility. 1,000 years of white supremacy dating back to the Crusades have gotten you to the life you have. It has denied everyone else their rights.
Ending white supremacy means taking responsibility for changing it. If you feel defensive, that means you're still protecting the part of yourself that believes in white innocence. Let go of the ego and do the work to repair the problem.
2. This is aimed at Americans but Canadians and Europeans have the same issue. Look at how your governments and their policies treat Muslims, immigrants and indigenous populations. That's white supremacy too and if you're not actively dismantling it, you're supporting it.
A meme for all the Resistance liberals. Because we all know you're going to stop tweeting -- or even thinking -- about oppression once Trump is not visible any more. Remember that Trump is one (1) white supremacist. This country has 70 million others.
If you are out there saying "let me have brunch first" or "can we have ONE day without fighting racism," well:

Just remember that Black and Indigenous and many Latino people *never* get a day off from fighting racism. It comes for them every single day of their lives.
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