The left literally believes in denouncing critical thinking by way of using their pseudo-intellectual terminology as a way to auto-negate everything worth researching that they believe goes against their power structures. They literally can say "systemic" before a topic 2 make it
not have any more validity in their minds. Their EGO gets in the way of basic critical thinking skills. They're trying to dumb-down each other because they're not mentally capable of processing new information or multiple levels of information (think: peeling the onion).
Most people can hold two or more thoughts at the same time. These people are fragile but try to be strong. They are weak-minded and try to feign superiority. I don't normally watch leftist propaganda but something got my attention.
I really don't want to give it traffic but it's a really great example of false strawman arguments, auto-negating things worth researching. These people traffic in safe zones of the mind. They don't believe it's necessary to dig into anything that doesn't suit their narratives.
The dismissiveness of their self-righteousness is almost admirable except they're still so weak, frail, not strong, & very fragile. It's like no one ever told them it was ok to actually be a free-thinker. Or, maybe they just can't hold two thoughts or more at once.
This leftist put out an anti-CueAnon video that's gotten a lot of views. He's attempting to carve a niche by explaining Cue to other leftists when he is obviously not well-informed on the topic himself, and his viewers are all like "yeah! more!". It's almost unbelievable.
It's exactly the same M-O the #FakeNews is using by calling Joe Biden "president-elect" when Trump has not conceded the race and there are many states still left to officially call. Tell lies big enough & often enough & people believe them. I think that's much more dangerous...
than Cue having people think and research topics for themselves. This dumbing-down has to stop. It's ok for strong-minded people to critically research topics & come to conclusions - that's ACTUAL PROGRESS. They claim 2 B progressive, yet it's group-think & they don't even know.
The one thing Cue is definitely NOT is group-think. Two people can look at the same SOURCE material and investigate entirely different paths. That doesn't mean either is wrong or should be socially-shunned by these pseudo-intellectuals.
What it does mean is that both could be right because they're investigating different topics or parts. Did these leftists never put together a puzzle as a kid? Is that the real problem? They're puzzle handicapped? Puzzles exist lefties & if someone wants 2 piece 1 together...
that shouldn't "terrify" you or "trigger" you. You may actually learn something. But again, new information and the absorption of it seems to be a problem already since you're the heads in the sand types. "It doesn't exist if you don't see it (to be true)."
That's actually REGRESSIVE not PROGRESSIVE in any way. Neither is group-think or this social validation of virtue signaling you all give each other because you're all so stupid you agree with one another like lemmings.
I hate to link to this clown, but this is what I'm talking about. Part 2. Note the ego, the Trump hate, the bias, the strawman arguments (he even talks about people going thru custody cases like he's an authority figure on human psyche). It's disgusting
It's not anything to do with his Flat Earth whatever you want to call it - it's the second half where he attacks Cue. He claims it's a "doomsday cult" when I have known about Cue for a long time & never seen it that way. Because it's not.
The left can't just say this or that topic is authentic or inauthentic, they have to attack a person's character because there are no consequences for anyone attacking theirs. Because no one usually does.
Free-thinkers aren't trying 2 convince anyone else to really do anything except maybe entertain concepts and ideas that they've found out. For example, I don't have to hold any concepts about the 1st half of his video 2 know in the 2nd half it's very telling about how they think.
Since the bald-headed guy with the bony elbows and black glasses wants to slander people for being free-thinkers, I think me calling him out for his group-think biases is MORE IMPORTANT because biases like that - stereotyping people into the perfect segment 2 hate on, is actually
one aspect of being a literal fascist.

Which he claims, you know... to hate.

Boggles the mind how they self-justify.
Another example is the left's fair use of the words "conspiracy theory" to denounce anything they want to auto-reject. Yet, everyone else is supposed to submit to "Critical Race Theory" which is actual material that teaches "intersectionality" as a way to ASSIGN VICTIMHOOD.
The left doesn't own the term "social justice" either. There's nothing socially just about an unfair, rigged election. There's no justice in that. The Right has to take back these words from the left, as history has shown they've used them for nefarious purposes not good.
To me personally, intersectionality is a conspiracy theory of leftist group-think that assigns victimhood and oppression based on both racist views & social status. I think that's actually dangerous which is why I was happy about @realDonaldTrump's #1776Commission 2 end all that.
To wrap this up, it would appear the biggest threat to the left's control mechanisms and systems of actual character assassination via #CancelCulture & various other mob-mentality acts, is a collective group of free-thinkers sharing information that doesn't fit their narratives.
To dismiss the idea that there is a global, organized threat that's working against the best interests of the United States risks aiding both a known or unknown national security threat. We see proof of that with Joe Biden & his actual compromising by foreign governments.
There are literal blackmail files on his family and the left has no problem with it which means they're ok with China or anyone else SUBVERTING the USA. I could argue, leftists and their endorsements of such SUBVERSION via Biden only aid the ongoing coup against our country.
This isn't a conspiracy theory anymore. There are 3 hard drives, one at least with very compromising material on Joe Biden's family. The idea he even won the election is now seriously in doubt which could also be from foreign powers that want him not Trump.
So, it's a very dangerous situation when you have one group of people character assassinating another who are only free-thinkers trying to protect their country, and then those same lemmings on the left vote for the candidate who is actually compromised. It wreaks of communism.
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