MEDIA - My Views - A Thread

1) Back in the 80's - the Media backed Thatcher against the Miners -but in my gut I knew the media was wrong - it turned out, in her crusade to break the unions, she decimated communities.
2) Roll forward - In the 90's the media backed Blair - my gut instinct was not to follow the media, but as a loyal Labour acolyte I did - I went along with Blairism (media led) - the MEDIA backed him in an illegal War that killed 1 million plus innocents
3) Roll forward - 2000 - Obama elected with the backing of a gushing media - again I was taken along with the Media - turns out he led a disastrous drone and bombing campaign in the Middle East/Pakistan - leading to the present world destabilisation and refugee crisis.
4) Roll Forward - 2016 - Mainstream Media portrays - Working Class (long time left wingers) people as racists and bigots for voting for #Brexit/ #Lexit - This very fact turned me from a Remainer to Leaver. #Russia interference turned out to be fake.
5) Roll forward #OrangeManBad elected to the #WhiteHouse - again, I'm taken along buy the media - but about a year ago I noticed a certain narrative people - evil people being portrayed as good, because they're against Orange Man - disgusting images allowed on Social Media
6) Today - I do not trust the Mainstream Media - the very fact they launched this #FAKE fact check initiative to Police ordinary peoples Facebook/Twitter posts tells me everything. Google algorithms changed to suit the narrative.
8) What's happening at the moment is the old blatant bias by the media, and I will comment on it.

Now if you want to come on my timeline to call me a "Trump" supporter, "Tory" or a Far Left Lunatic - I suggest you do not follow me. I will no longer be a media slave.

You can follow @vicsinghb.
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