This all stems from "political lesbian" radfems, and it needs to be eradicated from our community for the good of all of us. Attraction to and/or sexual contact with men (or other people who aren't women) doesn't "taint" women, and it doesn't make us any less attracted to women.
The root of this bigotry against bi women (many of whom aren't, in fact, even attracted to men - nonbinary genders exist!) is biological essentialism, so it's also transphobic. It's the idea that possession of a penis is what makes cis men do bad things, so therefore anyone...
...with a penis is a bad person, and if you're attracted to them or have sex with them, it makes YOU a bad person too.

It's also at the root of allocishet women's bigotry toward bi cis men.
The idea that being born with a penis makes someone a bad/violent/predatory person not only harms all such people who are good people, it lets the bad ones off the hook - it says their biology made them do it, boys will be boys, it's not their fault.
And of course the corollary of that is that people born with vulvas are good/nonviolent/nonpredatory people, which lets all such people who are bad, violent, and predatory off the hook - it says they couldn't possibly be those things, whoever's saying they are must be wrong.
[CW: SA]

You can see this in the laws of some countries, which define rape exclusively as involving penetration with a penis. They have literally legislated the idea that a person with a vulva can't rape anyone.
Oh this is an old one - it removes agency from vulva-owners by saying that if we think we want and are consenting to PIV sex, it's only because the patriarchy has brainwashed us into it. 😑 This is, as you might be able to see, NOT a feminist position.
[CW: Transphobia]

And then we have the transphobic part! Of course there's the whole, "You can't be a woman if you have a penis," & the idea that trans women are inherently bad/violent/predatory just because of the genitalia they were born with. (Which should be obviously false)
[CW: Transphobia]

But also, there's the idea that trans men are traitors to the female gender, that they're bad people because they've "chosen" the gender that's bad/violent/predatory.

ALL KINDS OF NONSENSE stem from this ridiculous root belief about penises.
It's tearing the queer community apart and we need to find better, more effective ways to eradicate it. Because we've been doing a shit job of it so far.
Oh, I meant to add that it also hurts monosexual lesbians! Because it's a common thing for a mono lesbian to one day find herself attracted to someone who isn't a woman, & due to this penises-are-evil biphobia, she has to either deny that attraction or lose her lesbian community.
(And NO, don't anyone dare misread this as some sort of justification for "you just haven't met the right man yet" bullshit)
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