If you receive messages from people who were nowhere on the scene when Donald Trump was putting kids in jail and dismantling democracy but are now saying "sure that was bad but Biden is bad too", know that this is an old tactic. You're looking at the Right realigning to keep...
...you cornered. Sure Biden is problematic and needs to be held accountable. Sure Harris has a chequered past with respect to Black incarceration. But you need to make sure those criticisms are coming from honest quarters. The rise of the American Alt Right and the Indian far...
...Right has been because of their skill at manipulating the narrative. They take Liberal concerns and weaponise them against Liberals. Don't fall for it. You only weaken your side by doing so. And yes, there are sides. This is a two-sided conflict all over the world. It's...
...alright to empathise with those who have been at the receiving end of racism when they see the departure of Donald Trump as a time of hope and relief. It is okay to share in their happiness at what has happened. It is okay to allow them a second of optimism after four years...
...of literal hell. Sure, their hopes might be dashed and if/when that happens, you will be there to fight alongside them, just as you were before. I just got done talking to a young donkey who compared a Black man crying tears of joy to "Hitler" (not even kidding) because he...
...was happy at Biden becoming president. Such folks are not useful to anyone, anywhere, for any cause. Why? Because they lack an understanding of how even when two things are bad, they are often not equally bad. There's a difference between a house on fire and a house with rats.
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