We, Indian Analysts have very poor Understanding of "Biden" Group/lobby.


Read On!
We continue to assume that Biden will follow pro-Islamist & Pro-China policies.

We are very wrong! Why?
Becuase US foreign & Geopolitical policies are way more advanced & downright ruthless, compared to our own Short sighted views.

Afterall it is not incidental that US Is Super Power. & This is not a first election in US.
In 1990s, after collapse of Soviet Union, US establishment moved to take control of world Oil Resources. For which they tied up with Radical Islam & placate China
Thats why Clintons & Biden were close to Islamic & Chinese lobby. Or even Ukraine. Biden may have made some money. So what? Lobbying is legal in USA. Anyway, Biden was implementing a policy given to him by US establishment
But first Biden!

Biden is 100% establishment man. He neither pro China & nor pro Islamists. He is deep State, pro USA, pro establishment
Obama was another brilliant man. He talked softly but he set up fight between.

Iran & Russia, Syria
Saudis & GCC, Yemen
Qatar & Turkey

Splitting up Muslim & Sunni lobbies. (So relaxation of Sanctions against Iran was planned carefully.)
Raproachment between Israel & UAE etc Is offshoot of Geopolitical moves set in motion by Obama. Trump got credit due to timing.
Obama also encouraged nuclear power & fracking in US. Today US is net Oil & Gas exporter due to his polices.

Emphasis on Renewables is to firther destroy "all fossil fuel" lobbies by reducing demand by using technology. Its not just about Climate change
Biden will inherit all these Policies. US was soft on China but that time is past. Who was setting up anti China lobbies in Hong Kong for long time? Obama or Trump?
Obama destroyed Islamic Oil lobby & Islamists/Muslims are just 1% voters in US. Biden may talk soft but he will make Basmasur out of Oil lobby & Radical Islam.

Biden represents pinnacle of US ruthless Geopolitics.

Do you know story of Basmasur?
India today has plugged in brilliantly with Big Tech, making policy to invite Global Supply Chains & is deeply pro USA.

Pakistan & China do not stand a chance. We should ignore words but look at actions
Trump was nice guy but bull in China 😄 shop. He lashed out against Pakistan & China with no major policies in place.

Biden will talk softly. He may scold India but Geopolitical & Civilizational restructuring by Biden USA will be intended to destroy Islamic Oil lobby & China CCP
Its Given that China will try to buy influence in Biden Govt. But what stops India?

With tie up with Saudis, UAE, GCC, Israel, QUAD. WE have more money ( Soverign fund), Resources, manpower, Geopolitical meeting of minds, Big Tech Support etc.

Its China that needs to worry!
We are impressed by Trump. But as per him China virus was used as possible Bio-weapon.

Then what did he really do against China from Dec 2019 ie for One year?

He is incapable of making really hard decisions. Imagine USA sitting silent after Pearl Harbour x 100 times attacks.
Trump just wanted to strike deals. Geopolitics is not about short term deals but long term hard vision & sweat.

Obama talked softly to Pakistan, embarrassed India perhaps, threw few scraps to Pakistan budget

But he was moving to destroy Oil lobby from Roots. Smool Nash
USA does NOT have policy of Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas

They will deliver retribution to Islamic & Chinese lobbies. They are NOT forget & forgive kinds
US will turn Middle East back to desert. Thats why you see Monarchies of Middle East scampering to reform. They suspect what USA is actually upto.
China is also very far sighted power & they are already moving to secure themselves from coming US onslaught.

We are in big boys club, so we have to wear big boys pants & play big boy games.
What should India do? Will we suffer or progress?

I don't claim to have answers. Just want to show you another face of Geopolitical Dice. You suggest your own solutions 😉
What did Bill Clinton Really do against India. During his tenure we rose as Economic power, crushed Punjab terrorism for ever, fought against Islamic terror in JK. He never gave any serious weapons to Pakistan & his policies destroyed Pakistani Economy for all times to come
What did Obama do to hurt India? Nothing! We had fabulous GDP growth.

In Geopolitics we have to ignore irritations & sermons, by keeping eye on the ball.

Modi Govt on Economic foreign policies are on the ball.
Apart from benefitting individuals, it would push in lot of money & foreign Exchange into our economy

Some of which can redeployed in USA to buy influence
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