So earlier today a Trump supporter messaged me on Facebook, mad at me for saying there's obviously no voter fraud. So I followed what the pundits wanted me to do and struck up a conversation.
I said that I understand it's painful but that there is simply no evidence of voter fraud to the type of scale it would have taken to override a Trump win. He disagreed and said it's obvious "to every Republican."
So I said, "great, I'm a political reporter, if you have verifiable information that proves the election was stolen, I'd love to get the scoop."

He told me he'd get back to me later.
So later in the day he finally got back to me with a 3000 word screed about Hunter Biden and an international cabal of powerful elites form both parties who all got together and rigged the election against Trump.

It was... not connected to reality in the slightest.
I don't know how to have conversations with people who aren't connected to reality. I'm sorry.
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