The night of the 2016 election, when the outcome became clear, I turned on my camera and recorded a video of some guitar, because there was nothing else I could do. For those of you unacquainted with youtube comment sections, this was a giftwrapped invitation for mockery. -R
The vitriol was inevitable. That video was not for those people. It was for the people I couldn't provide any words of comfort to, because I KNEW how bad this could get. Sometimes the world is crumbling, but you still need to sleep.
But I saw the comments. They came in for weeks.
And whenever I saw them mocking me for being afraid for the future, for expressing an unironic emotion, for being invested at all - all I could think was, wow, these guys really think this is about them?

Politics is a thought-experiment to the uninvested. It's not their reality.
Millions of people were staring down the barrel of the next four years, terrified of what it would do to them and their loved ones. Thousands of those people never made it to 2020.

The disappointment the smug assholes are feeling now doesn't compare. So… no guitar this year. -R
Just to be absolutely clear: no guitar lullabies because they aren't NECESSARY. The people who that first video was for don't need comforting this time, they need time to relax, decompress and process. And the dickheads, in contrast, have a lot of nerve asking for comfort now. -R
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