-SHORT THREAD- (3 Minutes read)

Most criminals of sexual #harassment cases which were investigated were found to be influenced by online sexual programming through porn websites and vulgar social media accounts.
The fundamental thing is, this is the first generation of women in Pakistan who have stepped out. Onto the street, into the workplace, into the factory floor. This is the first generation of women who have stepped out.
This means, a whole lot of men are not used to female proximity. You better understand that you are not in America where they are used to female proximity for three to four generations. Here, this is the first generation. Its still struggling with it.
This is the problem people don't understand. We need to understand that our society has moved from family structure where boys & girls were married at 17-18 years of age, there sexual harmonies were handled. Now they are 25-27 going unmarried, unhandled.
How are we going to handle this? Because proximity is new to whole lot of people, they are struggling with it. They don't know how to handle these things. But unfortunately thats where the society currently is.
Either you educate and evolve the #society or you simply scream, yell and keep complaining about girl grouping and other rubbish things. This is not the answer. Yes the enforcement is also needed when crime happens but mostly its the #education & evolving that is lacking.
Our society is in a transition state from a traditional mode to what we say "Modern", but its actually just "Western", ok? So there are struggles going on. We must address human problems as human problems and not just thinking everything is crime and punishment.
Nobody has any business to pounce upon a man or a woman because body is a private space, But there is social reality that if we are ignorant of that, there will be dangerous situations.
Now when you dress there are different ways to dress. As a human being there are many aspects to us. There is biology, there is a thought and intellect, there is emotion and there is consciousness.
You can dress either to show your intellect, or you can dress just to enhance your biology, or you can dress in some other way which may indicate something else.
So its your choice whether biology is frontend of your life or not. If biology is your frontend, you will get that kind of attention. If your intelligence is your frontend, you will get that kind of attention. So you must have the sense, where for, whom, how you dress.
Do you want your biology on the frontend on the street? Obviously no. Maybe infront of your husband you want your biology to be the frontend, there you dress differently. With the public, you dress differently.
These are things that we always have known, this is not something new. Women have always known this. So the question is what kind of attention do you want to get? And accordingly one should dress. It is their business, what kind of attention they want to get.
I am not saying you are #raped because you are dressed badly. Even if you are covered toe to head, animals can still attack you. Definitely its not a dress issue. But you must understand proximity in our society is new.
In the western countries, no woman can go dressed like a evening dress to the office. Office dresses are always business clothes. You can not wear whichever dress you want and go outside home.
In Pakistan unfortunately, as I am seeing you want to go office in whichever dress you want, with close proximity and you want to be looked at but you don't want to be touched at.
Nobody has any business to touch anybody when they are unwilling, But what I am saying is when people are in close proximity, they should dress in a certain way that it should not disturb each other. Its a SOCIAL SENSE, its not MEN VS WOMAN.
This is NOT A GENDER ISSUE, this is A SOCIAL SENSE! Even in most advanced western countries, in the corporate offices or government workplaces you can not go in whichever dress you want, there is a norm despite #sexuality being accepted as an open thing.
But in #Pakistan & other #Islamic countries as well, suddenly everybody is talking about "Freedom". Its not about restricting women but there must be social condusiveness. Men & women aren't two different species.
You can not completely ignore that a girl has to dress well. Use the word "well" in whatever context It maybe debatable but according to #Quran 24:31 she must be covering her chest completely.
If you don't understand how to adjust and fit each other needs and how to run a society, or like all the time you want to yell and fight each other, this is going to be very worst kind of a society.
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