I'm really going to need people to stop concern trolling for HK MAGA
So much of this commentary is verging on "forgive them, they know not what they do!" territory, which is condescending. Trumpism is not some wholly external phenomenon to Hong Kong, it is syncretic to the current of nativism that people have also been excusing for nearly a decade
One could argue this overt nativism is an outgrowth of a general xenophobic conservatism that has been a mainstay of HK Han majoritarianism for decades, local and diasporic. It is disingenuous to say this is a brand new phenomenon owing to PRC colonialism and the 2019 protests
Always get a slew of unfollows when I say this stuff, people perceiving me as an enemy of HK but I truly believe that treating nativists/HK MAGA with kidgloves actively hinders our fight. Besides theyre political actors that are as complex and deserving of confrontation as we are
HK folks are point out the alt-right entryism of Parler which is great. But since last year decentralized alternatives like Mastodon have also been overrun by Nazis. Decentralization is always ripe for rightwing hijacking, like last year's protests for eg https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/12/20691957/mastodon-decentralized-social-network-gab-migration-fediverse-app-blocking
Don't think I should have to affirm this but: Fuck the CCP, fuck the US, fuck the UK, fuck Trump + Biden, fuck all nationalists, tankies, GOP hawks. Self-determination for Hong Kong means the right to STRUGGLE and that also means the right to fight and be critiqued for and by all
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