The fact that we’re having this whole progressive vs centrism debate in our outdoor voices is proof positive that we have not learned to stop selling the recipe and start selling the brownie.
We make people hunger for the better tomorrow we can and must deliver. Not a label for a worldview on top of a label for a policy.
We have in fact NEVER had a debate, for example, about healthCARE in the US. We’ve had endless arguments about paying for care and suckered ourselves into labeling this a healthcare debate.
Care is - can you see a competent caring person who listens and responds? Can you prevent and treat what your kids have? Can you spend more time with your partners and parents?
But now we’re not even debating the thing we call healthcare, although it’s actually the world’s most boring conversation about insurance. We’re debating the political platform from which to debate about this.
TL:DR Stop taking your policy out in public. Your message should be what your policy will deliver.
Centrism is a morally bankrupt nonsense that does not merit our airtime. We got organizing to do and actual beautiful tomorrows to offer people.
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