My colleagues in El Paso are seeing unbridled #COVID19 transmission -- here in Austin our #'s continue to climb.

@GovAbbott, Texans deserve a #COVID19 plan. Start here:
➡️ bring testing to working-class neighborhoods, central testing sites fall short
➡️ invest in rapid testing
There are over 70 federally qualified health centers in Texas - I work at one of them. These clinics are prepared to scale rapidly. We know our communities and are trusted to deliver care with dignity & respect.

Let's leverage the resources we have to test broadly. 2/
People underestimate the toll of #COVID19 on working families.

Last week my patients told stories of hunger, lack of $$ to pay for meds, & unemployment. It is our moral imperative to stop this pandemic & until we do, we must provide a social safety net. This includes.. 3/
➡️ expanding Medicaid in TX
➡️ increasing statewide utility assistance
➡️ decreasing barriers to WIC & SNAP
➡️ using TX's rainy day fund (ESF) to stabilize small business owners (and to give space for a full public health response)

We can do these things in TX now.
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