Wa yaz do in heaven tho? Just live? Cuz according to religious doctrine ya can’t be up there skinning out like ya on the buccaneer. Yaz just be there to praise god? Like god is a narcissist? Just creating people to worship him/her in the end ? Waz de point ?
As much as we as human beings complain about work it actually gives us purpose. When ya done live and ya gone up wa yaz be doing ? Would it really bring you fulfillment? You living forever and ...? Ain’t no dubs, no lewd clothing, no fornication, no nothing ...
Cuz I love hot life. Ain’t no hot life and malandros bout dey. Nuh gun man in ya hole nothing. Just bummy vibes and boredom
Hallelujah, thank you Jesus, say ya prayers , attend Sunday service, kiss ya husband, and go to bed
No horns, no side girl, no nothing. A lotta Cunt
Death, as scary and sad as can be, actually is what makes life beautiful. We cherish moments, spend time, and mend relationships, because we know we won’t be here forever. If we as humans procrastinate so now, imagine knowing you got forever to do things
A lot of humans living in denial. Cuz as much as they preach about living a righteous life, when is time for fun the vast majority have to sin in order to have fun. It’s like living by biblical law and fun don’t go hand in hand. Ain’t no “fun” in heaven
A professor setting an exam for years, and every year all the students failing. The problem has to be the exam not the students. Every human sins at some point so maybe the problem is what god labels as sin. Homeboy out here with inhuman standards
Cuz ya can’t be up in Heaven masturbating and having sex outside of wedlock. So marry that man then find out he don’t perform oral sex, and when you dissatisfied you cannot masturbate because that immoral too
So go to sleep
Like imagine creating people to praise you and even after they die, their reward is you bringing them back to live forever to praise you more ? That is some real sick ass behavior. One being could be more self obsessed and needy ?
Like why go to heaven and live on if that life ain’t gon be lit. If it ain’t lit it ain’t shit. Hell with seats and moving
The entire Bible is a Stockholm syndrome vibe. It’s like someone cutting you then offering you a plaster. God create sin , so people feel guilty for being sinners, so then they repent and praise him when they’d never be sinners if not for him. Your kidnapper giving you a hug vibe
The Bible like the recent American election. Heaven or hell? Biden or trump? Two awful choices cuz heaven boring and hell is pain and really you ain’t want none of the two you just wan mind you business and god shoving these options in you face like you call he. Like sir ...
The idea of heaven just soothes people because humans are not comfortable with not knowing. So not knowing what happens when they die would have their mind restless. Humans are in constant search of answers that’s why curiosity killed the cat. It just makes them feel good
The idea of god itself makes them feel good. It stops them from going mad because they feel less alone and it “answers” many questions and I get that. That’s why like Karl Marx said “religion is the opium of the people.”
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