Here's a thread of random questions to answer just because <3
1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What are your pronouns? (If you're comfortable)
4. What's your sexuality? (If you're comfortable)
5. What's your favourite colour?
6. Your favourite solo artist?
7. Your favourite band?
8. The name of your favourite person?
9. What's the city or country you live in?
10. How many languages do you speak?
11. Are you single?
12. Are you in love?
13. Tag a person you want to say "I love you" to.
14. What are the initials of someone you admire?
15. What is your wildest dream?
16. What is your craziest accomplishment?
17. Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
18. What are the initials of someone you hate?
19. What are the initials of someone you love?
20. Who's someone you want to meet?
21. A place you want to travel to?
22. What's your favourite TV show?
23. What's your favourite movie?
24. Your favourite app?
25. What side of Tik Tok are you on?
26. What do you dream to do for a living?
27. What grade are you in (If you're in school)?
28. On a scale of 1-10, rate your personality
29. What's your favourite drink?
30. What's your favourite meal?
31. What mood are you in right now?
32. The colour of the closest thing on your left.
33. Do you believe in ghosts?
34. Do you believe in zodiac signs?
35. Do you believe in reincarnations?
36. What's a superpower you'd like to have?
37. If you could fix any issue, personal or not, what would it be?
38. If you could bring anyone back to life for one day, who would it be?
39. Your favourite chocolate bar?
40. What's your favourite song?
41. What's your favourite animal?
42. What's your Hogwarts house?
43. What's the thing you fear the most?
44. What's the thing you want the most?
45. What's the most expensive thing you've bought?
46. What time is it when you're answering these questions?
47. How tall are you?
48. How long is your hair?
49. What's the colour of it?
50. If you would be to dye your hair, what colour would you dye it?
51. What is the name of your favourite group chat?
Oops i made a mistake welp lmao
52. If you had a theme song to your life, what would it be?
53. When is the last time you hugged someone?
54. Your life is a colour; what colour is it?
55. Big spoon or little spoon?
56. Baths or showers?
57. Do you prefer pastel or deep colours?
58. How many kids do you want?
59. What's your zodiac sign?
60. When's your birthday? (I'll write it down :))
61. What's your GPA?
62. Do you think University or College is the only option after High School?
63. What fandoms are you in?
64. What's the ultimate fanbase?
65. Do you watch anime?
66. When's the last time you cried?
67. Night or day?
68. If you could commit any crime and not go to jail, what would it be?
69. (😈) Do you have any pets?
70. Cats or dogs by the way
71. Any phobias?
72. What's your favourite planet in our galaxy?
73. Vinyls or CDs?
74. Favourite book?
75. Tag a person you want to be mutuals with.
76. Are you a creative or logical person?
77. Have you ever dated anyone?
78. Ariana Grande or Selena Gomez?
79. Shawn Mendes or Harry Styles?
80. Do you have lyrics stuck in your head right now? What are they?
81. Acquire one skill and one skill only; Makeup, drawing, or painting
82. Favourite emoji?
83. Green, yellow or orange leaves?
84. Modern house or cottage house?
85. Ocean or lake? (Damn I didn't even plan for those pictures to match)
86. Do you prefer popcorn or chips?
87. Texting or calling?
88. What's your favourite holiday?
89. Your biggest pet peeve?
90. What's your favourite trait about yourself?
91. Have you ever went skinny dipping?
92. What do you want for your birthday?
93. Do you want to live in a different country?
94. Pools or hot tubs?
95. How do you prefer your eggs (if you eat them)?
96. What's your favourite game?
97. What's the most romantic thing you've ever experienced?
98. Hell or Heaven?
99. Sweet or salty?
100. And finally, did you enjoy answering my questions or were there way too much?
Thanks for answering <3
Hey while your here, stream this will you?
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