To all the people who argue that the "left" should stop using phrases like "defund the police" and words like "socialism" or "reparations"


History has proven it time and time again.

A thread:
When the U.S. told England to kick rocks in 1776, Thomas Jefferson said: "If I'm going to write a declaration of independence, I GOTTA mention that 'slavery' thing. Yeah, I have slaves but we all know it's wrong."

But he was told not to use the "s-word" so he told King George:
But the other dudes were like:

"Maybe we should take that whole part out if we want those dudes down South to support our plan. I'm sure they'll come around in like 5 or six years."

Where do I get this information from?

Some dude name Thomas Jefferson
Then, when they got ready to write this little thing called the Constitution, they brought up another phrase:



Because hey knew it was evil.

One dude even said "Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgment of heaven on a Country."
Who said that?

George Mason, one of the biggest slaveholders in Va.

But he STILL thought it be outlawed. Eventually, they compromised. Our constitution said it would outlaw the importation of slaves in 20 years with a goal toward abolition.

Why did the South agree?
Well, a lot of them didn't know that part had been snuck in, because the words" abolition" or "slave" doesn't appear in the Constitution.

See? If you don't use the words, people will eventually come around & agree with you!

That's not how it works

That's not how anything works
The dumb idea that refraining from using certain words in political rhetoric is a stupid, idiotic idea.

For instance, one of the biggest splits in the anti-slavery movement was to stop talking about "abolition" and start talking about "emancipation."

What's the difference?
Well, some activists (pronounced "why peep hole") thought they could convince people to free slaves without necessarily abolishing the practice.

Who won?

Well, when Lincoln "freed the slaves," he actually didn't free the slaves. He just wrote some shit down on paper.
Lincoln's order "freeing the slaves" in the Confederacy was basically the same as Trump telling Mexico to pay for a wall. It was a whole 'nother country!

Also, the Union states could still have all the slaves they wanted.

And what did he call it?

The EMANCIPATION proclamation.
Because the Constitution still allows involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime, slavery was technically never abolished.

Apparently, being Black is still a crime worthy of prison time.
But back to the original point.

But it is a STUPID STUPID argument that words make people resist progressive ideas.

For instance, white people HATED the phrase "black power."

You know why?

Because they hated Black people.

People had been using the phrase since the 50's
When the Freedom Riders were arrested in Mississippi, they were using the phrase. When the Lowndes County Freedom Organization was registering voters, they used it. You know who made it a bad term?

White people who opposed integration and Civil Rights.
Same with the phrase "Black Lives Matter". Remember when everyone HATED the term because it was anti-white? Now that white people are tweeting, it must mean the movement changed, right?


Wait... I skipped ahead to Black Lives Matter & Black Power. You know what I forgot?

Yep. There was a time when that was a radical term.

White people didn't like it, either. So, instead of being so belligerent, we went with "negro"

And you know what white people did?

They fucked up "negro rights" civil rights activists, too.

They DON'T give AF.
Now I agree with the point about socialism. America has always stood against socialism.

Well... except for Libraries.
And police departments.
And roads, bridges, parks, water departments

But except for that, we fight socialism so we shouldn't say the word.
There was a president who was for socialism, though. They dragged his ass to the Supreme Court when he tried to institute socialism in our country. Of course, it ended his political career...

After he became the only president to be elected 3 times.
Actually, he died in office.

But people did call him a socialist for instituting Social Security. But you know what happened?


It's not the words. It's the dumb motherfuckers who run from the words.
And here's the thing about words and that DUMB AS SHIT argument:

Have you EVER EVER EVER heard someone say "I was considering voting for a progressive but when I heard them use ———— word, I changed my mind."
ANYONE...ANY logical person who was even considering riding with a political agenda who doesn't want Black people getting shot in the face would hear the phrase "Defund the police" and say:

"Wait... Let me see what the hell they're talking about."
But you know who immediately hates the phrase "Defund the police?"


It's not the words.

I promise you its not the words.
But the cowards who are afraid of saying the words are the same cowards who are willing to shut down the progressive ideas in fear of offending people who don't give a fuck about them anyway.

Because here's the thing:

Where do you think those beautiful suburbs came from? They were built with government money in the New Deal. White people are more likely to get government-backed Business loans and home loans. 95 % of farm subsidies go to white people even in places with majority-black farmers
Less than 1% of USDA loans go to Black farmers

Black entrepreneurs are more likely to be denied government OR PRIVATE loans even with the same credit and capital as whites.

Oh, and if they get it, guess what happens
These people don't need socialized medicine because they're using YOUR MONEY to get rich. Meanwhile, our dumbasses talmbout "don't say socialism and maybe they'll vote for our side.

ANYONE who presents that strategy as a legitimate political argument isn't trying to win..
They're trying to get you to shut the fuck up.
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