I want less of that and more of people acknowledging that Black people are navigating a hostile and resistant political system that just officially recognized our voice one generation ago.
While also recognizing that we can’t afford to be fully divested, because clearly (see last 4 years) our white counterparts are willing to casually sign away all measure of political and civil protection that previous generation fought and died for.
So no, we don’t “have to” vote Democrat. But also, please miss me with the notion that Black people are collectively so dull, dumb and sheepish that we don’t choose to vote the way we do for valid reasons.
And the fact that we do does not mean we’re under some delusion that the party is some cure-all for systemic racism, or devoid of racism itself. That entire thought process grossly simplifies racism, culture and history.
What’s idiotic is the notion that DNC deficiencies mean GOP leadership and policies are the answer. The only appeal they ever make is “inner cities are run by Democrats and we’re not Democrats”, which is not a selling point. It’s not even an effort.
Which is wild, because a lot of Black people are conservative. But that’s a tangent for another time. The point is “at least we’re not them, right?” Is the sum total of talking points the GOP has. So much so that GOP strategist use us to talk to their own base of white people.
Like Jared Kushner last week telling us that we don’t want success as badly as Donald Trump wants it for us. Or when Trump was asked about Black people and talked about crime and law and order. They are not talking to us. They speak through us, to white people, about us.
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