Lemme break it down for everyone

Vaush and his fans believe if you buy most things (like a phone) you're just as equally complicit with that form of child abuse, ie slave labor, and through that notion you ought to be consistent with that in regards to child porn

So their mindset is you're okay with 1, but not the other, when both are admittedly bad, so they think you believe 1 is okay yet the other isn't, making you a hypocrite

Except it doesn't work that way and if you have a brain you'd know why
I can choose to not buy from a company that uses slave labor and they can actually lose and be forced to change by their customers

I don't have any power to STOP pedophiles with child porn, because they make it and rape kids FOR THEMSELVES

Ya fucking idiots
I don't get a choice in pedophiles existing and doing what they do, I do however get a choice in making my purchases from actual moral, ethical, and legal sources

Because no child porn ever and will ever come from a legal, moral or ethical source

Funny how Vaush leaves that out
Wanna know an argument for capitalism being bad and consumers complacency?

How about the fact that the options to buy goods from moral and legal sources costs so much more than those with bad sources, but we continue to never change the system to make it cheaper to buy from them
Talk in that regard instead of jumping to being a legal pedophile and maybe people would listen to you on the issues of capitalism

And yes, I do know why legal and moral sources cost more, thats not the point on it, its how can we not make it the norm to buy from those sources
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