this is an... interesting... argument.

I mean, Joe Biden didn't *personally* arrest or indict
or sentence anyone under the provisions of the 1994 Crime Bill that he authored.

Does that mean he is therefore not responsible for the ramifications of it?
your faves have authored bad laws that were destructive to Black and Latino families. The way to make sure they don't do so again isn't to make excuses for them. it's to hold them accountable.
y'all don't want to be citizens. y'all want to be fans.
they literally wield the power to determine if people live or die.

They're not Mr. Rogers and Beyonce. They helm of the largest military and the economy in the history of the world.

They don't need to be extended the benefit of the doubt. They need to be held accountable.
anyway, if a Republican was the architect of that truancy law, none of y'all would be copping pleas for it.
Typos, i sweater god
who could have foreseen
If we have the same broken systems in place but they’re run by people with broadly marginalized identities and their faves have thriving careers, they will count that as progress
But it was revealing how when the dog avys flooded my @‘s to defend their fave, they simultaneously argued she wasn’t responsible for the truancy law AND that absenteeism = child abuse/neglect and so carceral interventions were a necessary response
It was just like this “Trump put kids in cages but even though Obama did something functionally identical but it was different bc technicalities” above

“Policing & the crim legal system are racist and counterproductive”... unless your fave uses them to paternalistic ends
It also should go without saying, but people are cavalier about these responses — court-ordered interventions with the threat of incarceration at the end if you don’t abide by the terms — mainly bc they’re pretty certain theyll never be on the business end of these responses.
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