So the more I think about it, I think he will (1) never concede (2) claim the election was stolen (3) move to Mar a Lago around the holidays (bonus: no Xmas decorating for Melania) (4) not come back (5) big money grift as "the real president" doing speaking gigs and paid rallies
* exclusively call Mar-a-Lago the "winter white house" or "southern white house"
* License the Trump name to OANN for Trump TV
* Live broadcast nightly, reliving what was the highlight of his presidency: March-May when thousands died but he got to be on live TV every day
That latter one will run opposite the Tucker-Hannity hours, his revenge for what he thinks is Fox turning on him at the end.
Finally, he'll be Republican kingmaker for the decade he remains alive. Pols and biz folks alike making runs to Florida to kiss the ring, cash on the barrel for every meeting, points on the package for all deals he brokers. Easy money.
Oh and, all those "norms" that let this happen in the first place will ensure that he'll never see a jail cell. Nobody's locking up a former US Prez, sorry.
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