I see the Performative Progressives, whose words & images were used to attack Dems, are out here gaslighting folk abt why some swing district Dems lost their seats and lecturing Dems on how they should run.
Seems like a good time to look at how well they do in their own races ...
In 2018, JusticeDems backed 76 non-incumbent candidates. Four won.
Out of 76.
After their humiliating win/loss record in 2018, JDs decided to recalibrate and field fewer candidates in 2020. They did improve their win/loss ratio but not their performance. In addition to a few incumbents, they focused on just nine candidates and only three won. Pathetic.
Seriously. A national org claiming they have clout only backed a handful of candidates out of 470 Congressional races. They'll now have 0 JDs in the Senate and 10 in the House, though 3 of those - Jayapal, Khanna, and Grijalva - aren’t 100% JDs.
Still … 10.
Out of 435.
In what districts do these know-it-all, hectoring JDs run?
Ocasio-Cortez NY-14, D+29
Omar MN-05, D+26
Pressley MA-07, D+34
Tlaib MI-13, D+32
Bush MO-01, D+29
Bowman NY-16, D+24
Newman IL-03, D+6*
Gave Newman an asterisk bc Cook’s D+6 gives the appearance the district is more swingy than its history shows.
Non-JD Dem candidate won:
In 2018 73% - 25%
2016 100% - 0% (no GOP opponent)
2014 65% - 35%
2012 69% - 31%
That’s not a House swing district. Newman underperformed.
Who are these safest-of-safe House Reps maligning and haranguing about how they rep their constituents and how they campaign? Dem Reps in R-leaning districts like:
Lamb, PA-17, R+3
Davids, KS-03, R+4
Spanberger, VA-07, R+6
Underwood, IL-14, R+5
McBath, GA-06, R+8
While the DCCC was working with candidates in over 50 swing districts, Ocasio-Cortez and her JusticeDems, self-described experts now on running in swing districts 🙄, focused all their time and energy on just ONE - Kara Eastman in NE-02 - in her 2nd run at that seat.
Before they lecture the DCCC on how to run swing district races, maybe they should explain why they still haven’t won a single ONE. Kara lost 51% - 46% in a district Biden won by over 11 points! Note that Kara did 3 points BETTER (narrowly losing 51% - 49%) in 2018. 🤔
These people don’t have an effing clue what it’s like to represent a district where 40% of the people you serve only listen to Fox, where RW outside groups pour $$ into attacking you, where the entire GOP state apparatus is targeting you (like in KS ⬇️) https://twitter.com/Davis_Hammet/status/1314566887230054402
Don’t @ me that the GOP attacks the self-named “squad.” Of course the GOP does. And it’s a *welcome* fundraising goldmine for Ocasio-Cortez and JDs. They’re not harmed by it. Their colleagues are. And JDs dgaf as long as they get the attention they crave.
Seriously. People are out here celebrating and dancing in the streets and these self-promoting MFers are running to the NYT and any media outlet that’ll have ‘em trying to piss on our parade and twist the knives they stuck in the backs of some truly excellent Dem Reps. 🤬
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