Big changes in Neon Dawn for Rainbow Six Esports, an objective thread:

✅Jager rework

3 ADS devices
Unlimited projectiles can be caught
10sec cooldown per projectile

No longer need to completely burn an ADS using 3 projectiles. Should lead to faster & less frustrating clears
✅ Hibana rework

Can toggle patterns on X-KAIROS launcher
2 or 4 or 6 at a time, from a pool of pellets

Much easier to counter impact tricking on hatches, such as Clubhouse kitchen. Hibana is now significantly different to Ace
✅ Echo rework

Yokai no longer invisible
Deployable shield added

Should reduce frustration associated with difficult to find intel gathering. May lead to a reduced ban rate
✅ Deployable shield distribution

Wamai no longer has shield
Smoke is the only 'staple' with shield now

Goyo bans will likely increase and/or teams may select more exotic defenders to increase their pool of deployable shields
✅ Planting QoL changes

Always have prompt while at walking speed in obj
Can no longer plant defuser just outside obj boundary
Can plant on random debris where you couldn't previously

Should lead to less plants missed at 0:00 and makes it more difficult to abuse site boundaries
✅ Ash loadout change

Stun grenades OUT
Claymore IN

The reduced emphasis on utility clearing means that flashes will be powerful in actually blinding defenders. Keeping them on an already solid fragger would likely be too strong for solo entries.
✅ Faster reinforcement animation

Reinforcing is now 50% faster

This will lead to a more comfortable set up time for defenders and slightly less mundane. May lead to mid-round reinforcements being more powerful, such as the blue bunker rotate on Oregon
✅ Change to projectile ‘catchers’

All projectile catchers will now interact with projectile

For example, if multiple ADS’ & magnets are stacked together they will all be burnt by a single projectile

This will heavily nerf the ‘Wamai-ger’ combo on pixel, garage rafters etc.
More information on the above point can be found here:
✅Runout detection timer changed

Timer is reduced from 3s to 1s
New visual bar instead of countdown

Runouts were already a rarity in comp regardless but some outside rotations may be impacted (awaiting further testing)
✅ Faster boot up time

It has been halved

Should hopefully lead to slightly faster rehosts
✅ Low HP muffled sound

The muffled sound when you are on low HP has been ‘toned down’

Players should be at less of a disadvantage when they take significant damage
✅ Caster HUD changes

No. of players alive always shown
New animation when number of players changes

Requires testing, but should hopefully be more seamless and easy to follow, especially during quick trades
✅ Explosion haze removed

Removed on ALL maps for consistency

Should create better visibility for players and lead to more consistent encounters in general
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