So.. Mitch McConnel had a 14% approval rating & Lindsey Graham had a 24% and won? I think they cheated & I think they're all freaking TF out because their cheat worked and Trump's didn't, & now they're in real trouble because they're not protected from investigation.
They needed Trump to stay in to cover up and not investigate they can't give up because we're going to find hundreds of rigged elections in Trumpublicans favor all over the country. Trump can't lose because if he does the plan falls apart. An I right?
Expect the rumor that Republican are going to try and force electors to violate 250 yrs of American tradition and vote against the people's vote to happen, because they are desperate. They will try ANYTHING because the scandal that will come to light is monstrous.
They hitched all of their horses to the Trump wagon their coup failed now they know that coup is going to be outed and they are terrified.
Just to be clear I don't mean this tweet to play on fears for ratios I'm convinced that this is true or at the very least an explanation I can accept for my own understanding of this insanity. If I'm wrong say so but make me believe it because I'd love to believe everything is ok
I'm really trying to keep up with replies but my thumbs just aren't that fast and my timeline keeps sliding without my permission so if I miss you I apologize and consider this my 👍 or 🙄 to whatever you said.
Read this thread! My hunch confirmed.
Womp womp.
Why have polls and approval ratings had a fairly solid 1.5 - 5 point margin of error but in the Trump era they have had a 9 - 30 point margin of error...... Because somebody is cheating. No other explanation. It's not a silent majority it's cheating.
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Has Mitch been cheating elections in the same way for decades? People keep telling me that's how Kentucky votes.. Democrats vote for Mitch 🙄... I call bullshit.
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