I know it is probably just me who cares but can she be asked about the pressure she got from Milne and LOTO on foreign policy rather than this again? https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1325371877704015872
Has she ever been asked about Salisbury? I know its in books but asked in front of a microphone? Now *that would be interesting.
Lots of questions. Maybe next time Thornberry will be asked one of them. https://twitter.com/EliotHiggins/status/1326101431712145408
I have thought about writing more about this but the more I look at it the more I focus on the how and the why of what they got away with. That's a story but it's also a rabbit hole.
One point here which will possibly be lost is that undermining the White Helmets is a key Russian aim, one they've deployed OTG spooks to support. A military aim. The voices who Corbyn listened to echoed disinfo from that Russian military campaign. That happened.
Rabbit hole, right?
This is a good thread. The sole reason someone like Thornberry would be talking to someone in the pay of Assad like Ford, I would venture, is the influence of the Stoppers. Remember, this stuff got ~zero media interest at the time. https://twitter.com/SyriaUK/status/1326132337885794305
Ask Emily why they supported the Astana process.
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