The media will start to talk about Trump's legacy, here are a few acts:

Trump is the only president to lose the popular vote twice.

The only president to never get above 50% approval.

The first president in 30 years to not get a second term.

He is the 3rd president to be impeached.

He has the most associates and campaign officials that were indicted or jailed.

He himself will probably be the first former president to be criminally indicted.

He had the highest turnover of any president in modern history.

He told more lies than any president in 244 years.

The only US President in 100+ years to not visit Mexico.

The first president since Reagan to not visit the African Continent.

He played the most rounds of golf than any other president

The president who has killed more Americans through negligence, pure stupidity and stubbornness since the Great Depression.

The only president to argue with the Pope.

The only president to funnel millions of taxpayers funds into his private businesses.

The president who has pulled out of the most international treaties.

The president who has signed the fewest bills into law in his first year.

Signed the most executive orders of any president in 50 years.

The president with the most sexual assault allegations.

The Trump presidency is the biggest failure since James Buchanan.
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