Hear me out: maybe the Democrats don’t have a messaging problem.

Maybe, it’s a handful of people who don’t stick with the messaging and they just happen to be the loudest mfers in the country?!?

Maybe we don’t need to listen to the handful of outliers.

Hear me out further:
When everyone sticks to messaging, Democrats win in blowout fashion.

In 2017, 2018, and 2019 everyone stuck to “protect the ACA” in races and what happened:

-Doug Jones became Senator in *ALABAMA*
-Virginia has Gov and state leg as BLUE
Democrats messaging was TIGHT and CLEAR this year about COVID, racial justice, the ACA, and even making a plan to vote (mail in, early, and safely).

EVERY SINGLE DIG at Democrats in EVERY attack ad, debate etc had something to do with things that Bernie, AOC , et al said

They are full of slogans that don’t make sense and scare dumb people.

We have A LOT of dumb people in this country and unfortunately a lot of them reside in areas where we needed wins.

On this level, I blame @TomPerez for giving Bernie so much power
The deal is @BernieSanders is an asshole. He’s a sore loser.

He’s a fucking child who threw a fit because a woman ( HILLARY CLINTON) beat him in 2016 and not by a little either.

Bernie NEVER appealed to the base of the Democratic Party. Fuck what @aoc has to say
The base of the Democratic Party is Black Women and I know that pisses white people and white-adjacent people off A LOT.

We are the base because we’ve been loyal as fuck.

Black people overwhelmingly said NO to Bernie Sanders in 2016 and that should have been it, especially
Since he refused to play well with others and get on board with HRC.

Instead he reluctantly did everything and allowed his cult of people to harass and cause commotion wherever they went. Bernie is like Donald Trump and his rabid following is akin to the mags
They consistently harass, bully, threaten Black women until they’re satisfied and Bernie has been approached about it and said jack squat.

Instead of just saying BYE to Bernie after 2016 (just like the base of the Democratic Party did), @TomPerez bent his will for him

Every one of his minions move like him.

So as we went through the primary cycle, everyone tried to appease the “progressive” side of our party UNTIL THEY REALIZED THE BASE OF THE PARTY

First of all Bernie and his ilk are not progressive. Even his Black cult members. There’s nothing in those plans for BLACK people. CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISN’T THE ONLY ISSUE FOR BLACK PEOPLE. THAT IS NOT ALL THAT WE CARE ABOUT IN THE SLIGHTEST and it’s
Probably not even #1 on most of our lists. Maybe #2 or #3.

Just like Bernie’s idea of talking about Black people is talking about giving them more money like dumbass @andrewyang.
But then he’s all over the place talking about things that don’t make since because BERNIE HAS NEVER HAD A “HOW” TO ANY “PLAN” HE HAS EVER HAD.

But he knows his base doesn’t require a HOW, just a nice hashtag. BC they’re not as smart as they think they are.

Sound familiar?
Because everyone assumed he’d win because he was runner up, he was in front of the cameras talking about everything including the Castro lovefest (and I do not mean Julián and Joaquin).

Then @ewarren perpetually hitched herself to him EVEN WHEN SHE REALIZED HIS SHIT DIDN’T WORK
When she started looking at the HOW ... which by the way people always asked HILLARY, Kamala and Elizabeth about the HOW but NEVER asked Bernie HOW for ANYTHING. That’s misogyny and I hate that shit.

Anyway, because Elizabeth is math smart, she started realizing the how didn’t
Make sense and started backing off of Medicare for all and Bernie’s cult attacked HER.

His cronies like @aoc and @RashidaTlaib went on campaigns to shit on everyone instead of boosting him. And since their fan base is all about hashtags and viral moments, that’s what they did.
They go by their own rules and they don’t stay on messaging because they believe they’re in tune with the masses.

It’s like the Goth kids on South Park, who were non-conformists, but they obviously were with their little group. And they tried to make a big deal
About be outcasts even though they weren’t.

Anyway, because AOC is white-adjacent and only pulls out the ethnicity card when she feels like it; she appeals visually to the masses.

They believe what influencers believe- it’s all about likes, views, and followers
And it’s not. It’s really not.

The voting public, the adults are looking for plans, they’re looking for the work that has been done and can be done.

But because everyone sees the loudest voices, the ones most eager to be on camera. You see the same 4 people instead of 232
And unfortunately, you can’t compete when someone is always seen as the FACE of something and they’re off messaging by.

@aoc was in VANITY FAIR shitting on the VERY THING that people have used to save their lives. Just because she didn’t think it helped her. It was insensitive
To the MILLIONS whose lives *HAVE* been saved. And that’s the worst part. How do you see stories after stories about a life saving program and shit on it?

She’s a representative and needs to focus on HER district. She doesn’t need to be in EVERY DISTRICT but the media did
Because they see her as different and that’s because she’s a white passing Latina. Not because she’s made a difference.

The messaging problem isn’t with Democrats as a whole. It’s a problem that a few people have decided that what’s best for their gentrified districts
Is what’s best for EVERY DISTRICT AND IT ISNT.

So maybe don’t shit on the whole Democratic Party and do some research and place the blame on: @TomPerez @BernieSanders @aoc and @RashidaTlaib

All of which ignore the base of the party and try to sabotage it.

You can follow @RandiWhite.
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