Let's talk about Trump's wealth.
One way things could manifest is with legal charges, an arrest, or an increased focus on the removal/redistribution of Trump's resources and real estate, especially after November 13
Why? Lets go over the astrology
Trump has Saturn conj Venus in 11H
His Saturn is detriment in Cancer meaning it brings a more negative impact
He restricts/limits/withholds (Saturn) money and resources (Venus) from society (11H).
Saturn and Venus squares his 2H Chiron and Jupiter in Libra = hoarding tendencies
I don’t know much about Trump's history but I feel as though something in his upbringing conditioned him to overcompensate and take things away from other communities for his own emotional security, and he feels as though it's completely fair and justified to do so.
Transit Mars goes direct in Aries (targeted action/attack/anger) on Nov 13 in Trump's 8H (regarding other people's resources or government resources)
This could bring a concentration of anger or focus towards his taxes and the redistribution of his wealth, resources, and assets
The USA's 4H Aries Chiron falls into Trump's 8H, opposite Trump's natal Libra Chiron in 2H conjunct Jupiter and the USA's exalted Saturn.
Transiting Chiron is in USA's 4H and Trump's 8H and goes direct on December 15.
Chiron = the "wounded healer" archetype, symbolizes healing that can come from pain. A wound that becomes a catalyst for healing.
With the opposition aspect, a wound on Trump's part creates healing for America, and vice versa. They trigger each other.
Citizens of the USA (4H) could be angry (Aries) about the hurt he has caused (USA's Chiron) through his unfair hoarding of wealth/resources (2H Chiron and Jupiter in Libra) and will attack him (Aries, Mars) for failing to pay tax or redistribute it (8H) equally and fairly (Libra)
And since the 8H = shared resources and 4H = homeland of USA, this overlay could bring in Trump's houses, real estate dealings and land ownership
The 'attack' could be legal charges or a public arrest by government officials.
The USA's 7H Mars is conjunct Trump's 10H Sun, Uranus, and NN.
Mars = targeted action and force
7H = contracts, partnerships and open enemies. Someone who was once on your side becoming your enemy.
The USA's Saturn is exalted in Libra in Trump's 2H which means karma, law and justice could go in America's favor when it comes to limiting Trump's resources.
Saturn = restrictions & laws
Libra = justice, fairness
2H = to do with his resources, possessions and finances
Sun, NN and Uranus are aspecting his Jupiter in 2H
= changes in financial situation, changes in material possessions and resources.
Jupiter = expansion and extremism. It blows out the proportions of this event to a much larger scale.
Theres a possibility Trump could suddenly and unexpectedly be charged and arrested publicly in order to undergo a trial in the court of law regarding his finances/resources/real estate, and the news/media/press will have a field day with it. It'll be a big topic of debate.
Uranus - Venus aspect in Trump's progressed chart
= changes in how people treat him, and his financial situation.

Uranus aspecting USA's Saturn
= sudden restrictions in Trump's resources that is long overdue.
Trump's Saturn conj Venus in 11H is opposite the USA's Pluto in 2H.
Trump could be held responsible (Saturn) to society (11H) to bring change or transformation (Pluto) to the wealth and resources of America (Venus/2H) by redistributing what he has.
Trump's 2H Jupiter is conjunct his 2H Neptune
Neptune = dissolution, losses, confusion, shattering of illusions, delusions.
I suspect he will encounter great financial losses at some point during this time and his illusions of wealth and security will shatter.
With Mars direct in his 8H the call for him to redistribute his resources will cause him to feel attacked if he's not already being harmed physically. Chiron here could wound him (loss of resources) and in doing so will bring healing to people of America (sharing resources)
His Sun and Uranus in 10H are in aspect to his 2H Chiron.
Possibly a public meltdown over an arrest or having to depart from financial and material benefits, because of his Chiron's inner wounds and desperate need to compensate by holding onto material wealth/resources.
The thing is, I think he'll refuse to cooperate and could go to prison or die with that stance. There's potential for him to be incarcerated or killed here too.
The 8H = death and Mars = harm/injury, and Mars in the 8H is also an indicator for imprisonment in a birth chart.
A lot of what I said above about the 8H can also be translated into being arrested and imprisoned because 8H = crime, jail and incarcerations.

I'm also seeing MANY factors of a meltdown, violence, hospitalisation/confinement, or lung illness in his charts but more on this later.
Here’s part 2
More analysis down below! https://twitter.com/sagiistellium/status/1325696616850886656
Waaaiiitt, if Kamala Harris is an attourney, she and Biden could be the ones to take Trump to court? 😳 Is that even possible to do?
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