Last comment before getting out of election mode and back to music.

The biggest worry for me from Brexit was always that a bitter, recalcitrant, UK looking for someone to blame for its own folly could be a serious threat to European stability.
The UK is important in the Western Alliance, and it’s easy to imagine a situation where UK-EU cooperation breaks down entirely, and that becomes a contagion into other areas of cooperation, thus threatening wider European unity and stability.
Biden’s win makes that prospect, in my view, less likely. He values NATO and European unity. He sees Europe as a partner, not just an economic competitor. He sees a stable international order as something that works, or can be made to work for America.
The populist UK Govt is much less likely to go rogue in any grave way without its big orange friend behind it to back it up. Far more likely to be looking for ways and opportunities to remain relavant and be taken seriously by those looking to work constructively together.
So the harm done to the UK by Brexit remain, but the potential harm that Brexit could do to Europe as a whole is lessened, or at least much less likely.

It moves from being a potential existential threat towards being something irritating to mitigate the harms and costs of.
You could also argue that while Brexit happened and will continue to happen, the wider Brexit Project has been dealt a blow.

But the huge relief for me is the lessening of the threat to continental stability. I’d argue that in the long run, that’s in the UK’s interests too.
Right, with a sense of huge relief and no little joy, I’m off to play American blues on an American guitar through an American amp and pedal for a bit. This might get loud!
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