1.) Betfair has stolen millions of dollars from their customers.

By their own market rules they should have paid people their winning bets the moment it was determined Joe Biden had “the most projected Electoral College votes”.
2.) The time to settle the market in accordance with their own rules icame and went and Betfair ended up deciding it was best to just keep everyone’s money giving vague assurances that’s people will get paid once a political thing happens or then another political thing..
3.) What we find ourselves in now is not the market we entered into but rather a market that Betfair keeps changing in order to keep pocketing commissions and maintaining hundreds of millions of dollars of publicly traded money on their books and in their business accounts.
4.) Betfair had an obligation to pay winning bets but instead chose to keep the entire amount. They have not given any specific time frame as to when they will pay people their money.

So we have no choice but to start asking—

Where is it all really?
5.) What are they really doing with 900 million dollars of other people’s money?

People trust big companies so much and I have no idea why.

Why blindly believe Betfair will eventually give you a cuddle and hand you your money? What professionalism or clarity have they shown?
6.) All I’ve seen them do is NOT pay people winning bets.

NOT give out clear and precise explanations about market rules that they keep changing every time time we meet a standard for the bet to be declared as won.
7.) Take away blind loyalty and inherent optimism that people will eventually do the right thing— and all we’re left with and know for sure is that a gambling company has nearly a billion dollars of customers money and have shown every step of the way a refusal to part with it—
8.) A refusal to pay out REAL winning bets.

A refusal to close and stop accepting money and commission on a Presidential Election market that is no longer real and does not exist.

Bookmakers and exchanges are not your friend. They thrive on never having to pay you anything.
9.) So until @BetfairExchange closes their fabricated market and releases every cent owed to Joe Biden bettors— it will be hard to see them as anything other than an company currently committing financial theft against their customers.

End this now. Pay the winning tickets!
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