To all my liberal friends celebrating that Trump lost and Biden won.
A word of warning...
Trump was never the problem, he was a symptom. You created him with your sneering contempt of the white working class.
You called them “racist” for voting for someone who finally addressed their problems and promised to stand up for them. They are victims of a political system that doesn’t care about them and never will. You don’t care because the system works for you.
You revelled in the fruits of globalisation as you enjoyed your jobs in tech & advertising, drinking macchiatos. They saw their jobs and livelihoods destroyed as their factories were exported overseas. Their communities decimated through unemployment & the misery that brings
When their communities were suffering after having the hearts ripped out of them. You labelled them “privileged” for being white. It doesn’t matter that they’re poor, struggling and beaten down by a system that doesn’t care. Life has been easy for you. So it must be for them.
When they wanted the issue of immigration addressed, again you smeared them as “racist”. Because your jobs aren’t affected and it means that your life gets better. It’s not your wages being affected and it’s not your life being negatively impacted.
I could go on but I will finish with this. Trump is a symptom of a far greater problem within our society that will only get worse. Ignore the rhetoric, he had a strong following from ethnic minority & black communities. Ask yourself why?
Biden is a neoliberal who will not solve these problems. This result has changed nothing. Retweet each other, pat yourself on the back & bask in the self satisfaction of your enlightened attitude. The backlash is coming and we haven’t even begun to see the start of it.
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