seen this a lot on the tl so...
what is it?
Queercoding is when an lgbtq+ person who can't freely say/express their preferences uses subtle hints and references that are part of lqbtq+ subculture, to show other people who are part of that culture, that they are not straight
- using gay (NOTE gay = umbrella term in this thread) slang/language
- through their fashion -> wearing opp-gendered masc/fem clothes, the writing/print on them
- getting representative symbols tattoo'd
- gender neutral pronouns, typically queer themes (writing)
- etc
first, take louis out of the picture. I am a bi girl who is only out to my close friends. i queercode all the time. using lgbt+ slang, inside jokes (eg. girl in red, sweater weather etc.) cuffing my jeans, wearing pink/purple/blue, i plan on getting the crescents tat, when i +
refer to a future partner i always use gender neutral pronouns, most of the poetry i write has queer themes.

I have never once said the words "im bi" to anyone but my friends, but i do all these things so that people in the lgbtq+ community can recognise that I am one of them
now add louis in. just to be clear, these are all things he has done independently, and for the sake of this argument we're not gonna relate it to larry at all.
1. Polari --> a secret language used by the gays to communicate, to avoid imprisonment in the 60s - 90s

- louis uses this, has multiple items of clothing with it, and posted on his insta. this is a complex subject so i suggest reading this for more info:
2. the triangle tattoo

--> (the pink triangle tat) has been around since hitler's time, when he used it to mark homosexual men in the camps. Since then, it has been reclaimed, with many gays + lesbians using it to show they are gay. enough said
3. his entire fucking career

--> if you haven't noticed, louis' songs have a severe lack of pronouns/gendered terms. why wouldn't he just use she/her if he supposedly loves a girl?
--> songs like defenceless, otb, just like you, HAVE QUEER THEMES +
defenceless (credit @larriescompass_ ): this explains it well
otb --> "church of burnt romances, too far gone to pray" (gay=sin, can't pray he's too far gone for a guy) "love is only for the brave" (what's brave abt a hetero relationship??) +
just like you was literally released on national coming out day,,,, with a music vid and lyrics that were loud AF. no promo, no support from his team. wonder why?

home --> song that he had to leak - something missing in the girl but not in *gender unspecified person* (verse 2)
also notably these ones from 1d days:

alive - replace all the female with male terms and it's abt coming to terms with sexuality

strong - what's strong abt straight relationships??

eotd - "love who you love there ain't no other way" - this whole song is just very gay
the only thing lit up in the background... louis is very big on his creative choices as we can see from his other mv's, this can't have been a coincidence
And there are many other things that you could look into, but these are the main ones.
An argument you could come up with is that he didn't know or that they were all coincidences. BUT why would louis, the man who literally was probs the most accepting and educated on lgbtq+ stuff back in the 1d days at least, asking pronouns, not assuming straightness, etc +
even when the other band members did,,, do you REALLY think he wouldn't know what he was doing? He has a brain, and there are too many 'coincidences' for it to add up as mistakes.
Even the triangle tattoo, he could have easily had it covered up when he realised it was a gay symbol... people pointed it out left and right, but he still has it. Maybe it's there for a reason.
especially if there are people in your life who could negatively impact your mental, physical or economic well-being, you would not say the words "im gay/bi/etc", but you would still advertise it cause nobody except the people who are like you would understand.
This is probably gonna flop but i just needed to get this out of my head. thanks for reading and please i beg of you,,, connect the fuckin dots.
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