⚡️Most brands build their business based off of products, target market, or whatever they think "should be".

These are fluctuating external factors.
aka "Extrinsic Values"

Build your brands based on human nature.
aka "Intrisic Values" (non-negotiables)

Switch & watch it grow.

📝Marketing Strategy:

1. Pick any human problem. Ideally, one you can relate to.

If you can relate to it, you can implement faster.
Because you know it like the back of your hand & you've experienced it.

If not, do a thorough market research for 1-3 hours.
2. Check how pressing it is. Is it a need or want? If it's a want... boil down until it's a need. Ask the 7 Levels of Deep Why tweaked for marketing: "Why do they want it solved?

Eventually you will funnel down to a need.
3. Contrast the need & see what human nature/values does it anchor to? Is it greed, love, belonging, physical safety/security, physiological, etc?

See Maslow's Hierarchy.

4. Ideally, you'd wanna hit the topmost: SELF-ACTUALIZATION.

VITAL: All brands are the journey of the self
5. Research more on the needs/values. Here are some prompts:

- What are the lightest & heaviest problems + solutions of it?
- How many people struggle it?
- How many of those people who struggle take action to fulfill that need?
- How can I fulfill this pain through my offers?
6. Understand the concept of "Efference Copy"

In Neuroscience, Efference Copy is the phenomenon in our brains which we experience our internal workings & project them onto our external environments.

This is why we need to talk to people & have them listen to us.
Our Central Nervous System (CNS) produces a periphery called "efference" & the rebound of that signal is the "efference copy".

Basically mirroring aka projection.

Now why is this important? This is the point wherein we, humans, feel understood and seen.

It affirms existence.
If you build your brand with some of these principles, especially just by starting off with this one... you're ensuring your brand to be "understandable" to the human brain.

Your brand makes sense to your consumers. Add other marketing factors & ta-da you're a shooting star!
Your customers feel like they've been waiting for you their entire life -- which then triggers the urgency action from their end.

There are many concepts of this that I research & write, but for now this will get you off the ground:

💡Make your customers feel seen & understood.
If you loved this, you've learned & want more, pay back w/ a ❤️like &🔃 retweet. You never know in your circle who needs this badly.

I'll probably continue this thread when I get the time. There's so much of it I wanna share for free! :>

Follow me for more cool human stuff!🎃✨
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