For those of you that are not following many Black women, there is a very important message that I am going to try to amplify here. Typically I try to do this thru RTing but I want to try to demonstrate my comprehension through paraphrasing and open myself up for correction /a šŸ§µ
Iā€™m going to open with the most important caveat: I am not trying to speak for Black women and this most certainly is not the experience of ALL Black women (these are people, not a monolith). I am hoping to amplify an important message though and then go back to listening.
The main message, as I understand it, is that many are tired of the narrative that Black women ā€œare superheroesā€ or will ā€œsave usā€. That is because it diverts the ownership of the problem exclusively on to them both now and in the future.
We should ABSOLUTELY credit their work (see @CiteASista). Just to name a few @staceyabrams @nseufot @DPGChair @BlackVotersMtr and many, many more.
But to be an ally in this moment, it is IMPERATIVE that we reflect on our contributions to maintaining the status quo and make commitments to change. So Iā€™m going to detail my initial steps in doing just this.
First, it is disheartening I feel I need to do this, but I acknowledge the problems of racism & white privilege in EVERY level of society, will never back a political party that provides space for white supremacy, & commit to doing everything in my power to work towards its end
Second, Iā€™m going to put my money where my mouth is and contribute to the #Georgia Senate races of @ReverendWarnock & @ossoff. My perception is grassroots orgs like @fairfightaction have been more successful in drumming up votes so Iā€™ll link that first 
Next I am going to get involved with one of the organizations that @KillerMike recommended to @StephenAtHome following his #Atlanta speech. Part 1 of the interview:
Part 2 of the interview:
Movement 4 Black Lives @Mvmnt4BlkLives 
Once I finalize my commitment to one of these or a similar organization Iā€™ll add it to the thread, not for credit but for accountability
Iā€™m also going to do @KillerMikeā€™s homework and watch a couple hours of Jane Elliott ( @BlibriJane) on YouTube (hereā€™s a recent one to get started ) and Iā€™m currently reading @DrIbramā€™s ā€˜How to Be an Antiracistā€™ as a START
(Also here is @KillerMikeā€™s # Atlanta speech, if you havenā€™t seen it I canā€™t recommend it enough. Itā€™ll be in history books.)
Finally I lead a group of research assistants & I am limited in my ability to discuss experiences in #academia beyond the privileged perspective of a white, cisgender heterosexual male, so I bring in guest speakers every semester to talk about their experiences...
I will continue to do this, BUT the invitation will also ALWAYS come with the question of how much is their hourly consulting fee. I will not perpetuate the expectations of free labor to address MY shortcomings.
This is just the start, as noted Iā€™m mostly posting it publicly for accountability, but if youā€™ve made it this far I also hope it inspires other allies & gives them ideas for their own lists. If some of these ideas seem new to you I recommend...
following more Black voices on Twitter. If you don't know where to start, feel free to scroll through the people I follow, especially over the course of the last few months. #BlackLivesMatter #BlackVotersMatter

I love you all!
You can follow @Sleep_Strong.
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