can you guys stop saying that kamala harris is viciously transphobic when that is simply not true lmao
cw // transphobia , murder

shes been doing work to help the trans community since 2006.
a lot of people bring up the two trans women inmates who were put into mens prisons. i dont think you understand how the attorney general's office works. you have to represent your client no matter your personal opinion.
secondly, the case was about whether or not the department of corrections would pay for their transition, not that they were in the prison in the first place, that had already happened. they started transitioning after they had already been in prison.
she wasnt even involved in that particular case until later, and when she did get her hands on it, all of a sudden the case went into settlement and the department of corrections (their client) reconsidered their policies on trans reassignment surgery.
be mad at her for her history in prosecuting drug crimes that targeted black men, absolutely. but please stop making baseless claims when you havent done your research.
i made this bc yall obviously didnt listen to mo so maybe you'll listen to me.
idk why some of u are acting like i implied that she was free from criticism. she absolutely isnt. im just very tired of misinformation being spread around.
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