Nearly half of America, over 70 million ppl voted for Trump this time and again 4yrs ago. A president that has been openly racist, sexist, xenophobic etc
I could even get into the racial/gender breakdown of WHO exactly voted in what way, but I'll save that for ANOTHER day (1/4)
You would THINK that ppl would perhaps change how they vote this time around considering the damage he has inflicted upon the American image domestically & abroad. BUT NO, they continued to vote for him bc they value economics over basic human rights being threatened. (2/4)
It begs the question -- Are you really that different from your racist ancestors? Apparently not. No character development. No redemption arc. Nothing. (3/4)
Now of course I'm not a die-hard Biden-Kamala fan. With having a two-party system, you don't really have many other options. However, I have high expectations & I expect that they have more of a capacity to fulfill *some* of that to certain extent.

This is ONLY chapter 1. (4/4)
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