Idk how much fraud there was, or whether it was decisive. I hope we find out.

But in the meantime, I have advice for the millions of Trump voters who believe the election was stolen—

You should use this occasion to do something that’s already overdue...
Stop thinking of the US government as your government.

Just think of it as the empire of which you happen to be a subject. That doesn’t mean disrespect law or public order, but at a more profound level, recognize that your rulers can’t compel your personal consent...
I guarantee that the political class, along with the broader elite interests and values it serves, doesn’t think of you as /their people/.

The feeling should be mutual.
Don’t get me wrong—you have a nation.

But you sure as hell don’t have a nation-state.
It’s one thing to feel alienated, but the next step is to articulate it, to find the vocabulary and framework necessary to characterize the present reality.

Then maybe we’ll get somewhere.
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