Time to be more specific about this tweet from July 17th, 2020-

The election is now decided. That is a good thing. A new administration will hold the reins on January 20th. That is also a good thing, but the nightmare will not be over and done at that point. https://twitter.com/VickerySec/status/1284286020691718144
As new officials, appointees, and staff roll in they will settle in and begin the work which must be done to both carry on for our nation and to repair the harms.

They will also learn of some very dark, disturbing, and unsettlingly horrible events of the past four years.
Those people must start preparing themselves for this *now*. Right now. This very minute.
If they are not mentally prepared for grim facts, we will all suffer. The natural human reaction will be to stay quiet, say nothing of these things, and try to hide the truth out of fear for the inescapable dishonor and shame these to-be-learned facts will cause us as a country.
Do not give in to the temptation of that initial reaction. This is vitally important. No matter how hard you try to forget the things you uncover, learn, and are informed of, it is not possible to make them disappear forever and be contained in secrecy.
Because despite the assurances you may hear, our nation's enemies have already been provided the thorough evidence documenting the horrendous things from multiple angles and to a near-irrefutable degree. They were promised these things ahead of time and expected the deliveries.
These adversaries *expect* the incoming administration officials to be ashamed and afraid at what they learn happened during the Trump years. The enemy wants to hold that blackmail over them and watch them twist in the wind as the proof is used to extort and break their courage.
You will have one chance to cure this and avoid unlimited future compromise- Tell the truth about what they did, quickly and accurately.
There are more than enough known facts to show the Trump admin and underlings were working in cooperation with adverse foreign entities
The window of time between learning of "the things" and being transparently open about them is limited. Act with purpose and intently. Do not hesitate and hide. It will not work. They already know.
We must swiftly prove the equivocation between bad actors and their benefactors. It is our only hope to neutralize that venom. There is no time to waste and you must be prepared for it.

They, not us, did those things. We will punish them for having done them. As will the world.
You can follow @VickerySec.
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