wwx sending suggestive mirror booty short selfies to his good roommate lwj to ask for his opinion on them. he would flirt and lwj would reply to his flirting..(they're like,, physically comfy and close besties who are yet to confess)
wwx would bait him to talk explicitly and lwj would deliver. with something explicitly sexual every time. and then it would become a thing, kind of like an inside joke between them that whenever wwx there's a booty shorts pic (wwx has many of them) lwj replies explicitly
also things like,,
wwx: eat me out?🥵
lwj: gladly
wwx: whaddaya think of THIS piece of meat
lwj: needs some tendering first

(but they never follow through with it) (and eventually joke so much it just gets left at the joke stage and both have to hide their actual horny side)
their dms are wei ying ass centric.
any outsider who would witness it would be sure that they are together..😭
lwj has a bunch of those photos (all saved) on his phone. one time, he gifts wwx a pair of baby blue booty shorts. when he gets the photo, it becomes his home screen.
wwx sees the home screen. he rlly wants to make a tap that ass joke with it but he's kinda..flustered. lwj has used the photo so shamelessly..and he seems to like it..
wwx gets an idea. he asks lwj to give him a new home screen bc this is so unfair that only lwj gets to have one!
maybe wwx is a little tipsy that evening when he whines about it (he's literally texting him from next room.)

lwj, thinking it's just fair: what do you want then?
wwx, who doesn't think before he clicks send: COCK🤪 I KNOW YOU'RE MASSIVE LAN ZHAN

(no response. lwj showers.)
..and then lwj sends wwx one of those mirror selfies where he's shirtless, freshly showered, wearing a towel around his hips, Big Cock clearly outlined underneath, one hand holding the towel tightly. his skin is a little wet and the mirror steamy.

wwx in his room: what the FUCK
lwj may have cheated a little. he's half hard. he touched himself in the shower a bit, casually. but he's so proud of the picture and wwx's reaction.

and now he's left seated in the steamy bathroom, on the closed toilet, with nothing but a towel, texting wwx. thinking.
wwx: L
wwx: COCK
wwx: i called it. i knew it.

(a long pause when there are no replies.)

(the thing is, it's much easier to write it than say it out loud. it's like they're different people in their messages compared to them irl.)

wwx: LAn ZHan
wwx: we are a perfect match. look at my ass and your cock and tell me we don't match
wwx: Wait actually don't tell me bc i wont be able to take it
wwx: i mean i would be able to take IT
wwx: I MEAN
wwx: cock, not the news
wwx: um
wwx: ..?!!!?
wwx: Hey
wwx: do you know what else would match with that??
wwx: [image]

(it's wwx laying down on the bed, a selfie from up above, of wwx open mouthed, tongue peeking out, eyes half closed, a very on-purpose-slutty look)

and a badly drawn dick on it.
lwj snorts loudly. oh, god, he's in love with an idiot. and still hiding in the bathroom, cock not softening...bc of wwx's goddamn replies.

lwj, whose dm ratio is one message per 50 from wwx, decides that this is it.

lwj: are you sure? that was not the full glory of it.
wwx: UM??
wwx: there's more?
lwj: yes
wwx: ..
wwx: fuck yeah🥵
wwx: send it my way baby
wwx: ..wait
wwx: lan zhan
wwx: is this a challnge
wwx: chLlenge*
wwx: challenge***
lwj: if you consider my cock a challenge, then yes
wwx: godDAMNIT
lwj considers asking. does wwx want a photo, or perhaps a video..or maybe he should visit his room..?

wwx: send it
wwx: send it and tell me if this is good enough for it
wwx: [image]

(photo of wwx's ass, booty shorts halfway down)

well, fuck. lwj's cock twitches.
if lwj's hand trembles a little as he drops the towel and strokes himself, while actually looking at the image wwx has sent, it only adds to his excitement. the image is glorious. wwx laying on the bed on his belly, ass half bare, thighs together.
he wants to fuck his thighs. he wants to come on his thighs and he wants to ruin that pefect ass with bruising kisses and red marks.

he has wanted to, for a long time.

he realizes he's been stroking too fast. he's already breathless and leaking. oh, god. okay.
the idea of sending a photo of him like this to wwx is so hot. he could come from that alone.

he stops stroking himself hesitantly and thinks. he looks down at his standing cock. opens the image again. then, opens the camera app, and heart beating madly, selects video.
he films himself in the good lighting of their bathroom, all bare, a hand on his cock, teasing his cockhead with his flat palm. he tries to not breathe so hard, bc he knows it'll be caught on the video.

when he's done, he doesn't even look over it. he just sends it.
lwj: [video]

(it's about 15 seconds long. it will take 10 seconds to download and 15 seconds for wwx to watch it.)


(it takes much longer than that. wwx watches it multiple times.)

wwx: oh my god
wwx: that's so hot lan zhan
wwx: Big
lwj: do you want it?
wwx (choking): YEs
lwj takes one last deep breath.

lwj: do you really, wei ying?

(the fact that he used his name is a sign that he wants wwx to consider. wwx could say no and declare it all as teasing and flirting, but it seems unlikely now that they've gone this far..)

wei ying❤️ is typing..
wwx: yes, lan zhan i have never been more serious about anything Please i might joke and yell and flirt but i was too afraid to actually ask but i'm fuckin shaking rn I wanna kiss you and touch you

wei ying❤️ is typing..
before wwx can finish sending his other message, lwj is out of the bathroom in record time.

and then he's naked at wwx's door and he sees a flushed wwx laying on his tummy on his bed, the booty shorts still halfway down his ass, upper body covered with a loose, black t-shirt.
within the same second, wwx looks over to his shoulder, sees lwj and slams his phone on the mattress. his face melts into a bright smile and then a mischievous one and then a more flustered one. bc. you know. .. lan zhan's big dick.

"clothes off," says lwj, and walks closer.
wwx turns around and oh. his dick is also out. and hard. and there's a damp spot on the sheets below. he's been grinding the mattress.

lwj climbs over wwx and helps him take off the shirt first. their hands move in unison, in full understanding, and both are thinking, 'finally'.
wwx whines as his shorts get lowered. "lan zhan, you're so hot you don't even realize."

lwj leans down, smug, and says, "maybe i do," as he kisses wwx for the first time, pressing his (hot shower) body against his. wwx welcomes him, happily, and kisses him back. finally indeed.
they know each other by now. they know that this is what people do when they are drawn into each other. it feels silly that it took them this long.

the kisses turn heated. "you've been torturing me for months, wei ying," lwj says as he kisses his neck and sucks a hickey there.
wwx laughs. "it was kind of the point." his hands come up to hold lwj's head, fingers deep in his damp hair and guiding him down. it feels right, so natural.

"you should've told me," lwj mumbles, appreciative of all the soft skin.

"i did! but then i became shy."
"you? shy? your photos aren't shy." lwj goes lower and slides a hand under wwx's leg, bending it up and then pushing it to the side, putting only a little bit of his strength into the manhandling and pushing wwx halfway on his side, prompting him to turn over. (he wants ass.)
lwj gives wwx some room to shift. when he's done and wwx, who's also giggling at lwj's enthusiasm, has comfortably turned on his tummy once more, lwj mouths his way down his spine and places hands on his ass, spreading and kneading him. it's just as soft as he's imagined.
"you like my ass that much?" asks wwx, propped up on his elbows. he enjoys the touches, lwj's attention.

lwj hums and gently bites the soft fat right where it connects to the thigh. "and if i may eat it," he says without shame, "i will."
lwj kisses his way further into the crease and licks it. wwx makes noises of surprise and need, not having expected this night to turn out like this. lwj's hold on his ass is certain to bruise, and wwx loves the idea of that way more than he thought he would.
accompanied by sighs and soft little moans wwx moves his hips, getting what friction he can from the sheets and spreads his legs more. it's very intimate, much more than what he's used to, but with lwj it just feels right. their next step. wwx has been wanting too, for some time.
maybe it shouldn't come as a surprise. (at least if wwx thinks back to the types of messages lwj has been sending him. it has been his real self all this time, and if lwj seriously meant all of what he has said, wwx knows they'll get to do a lot more in the future.)
the thought of that excites wwx, makes him want to talk, even while being eaten out, face red and thighs shaky, hands curled in fists, knuckles white.

"lan zhan...remember all those messages you've sent me..you meant it all, right?"

lwj hums and dives his tongue in deeper.
it isn't even how it feels, but the fact that lwj is doing it and enjoying every second of it that makes wwx push against him for more. yeah, it's all for you, wwx wants to say, but now he's drooling against the sheets, eyes closed and ass spread.
he's unabe to really think coherently, so he gives up on trying and focuses on enjoying it. it's probably his best decision yet, if we don't count the daring ass selfie from earlier.
eventually lwj's mouth leaves wwx's ass and travels back up. it seems that lwj won't be lasting much longer, so he spits on his own hand and gets the most out of his precome with strokes. it's not nearly enough, but the need to Fuck is spurring him on.
wwx gives up on trying to keep his upper body on his elbows.

lwj comes up to kiss his neck and tells him, "legs together, wei ying."

wwx nods and hums in agreement. he keeps his thighs together when lwj kisses his shoulder and pushes his cock between wwx's thighs.
wwx would not have expected thigh fucking to be as hot as it is. with lwj's body behind his, pressing close and moving like he's fucking him, and the cock between the sensitive skin of his thighs.. it's so hot. wwx has a passing thought--one day he'll probably want to film it.
just to see how they look like. the two of them, and how lwj would look like thrusting into him, and he could imagine what it's like if lwj fucks his ass, too.

"lan zhan.. hand," he says, wanting more and more of his touches, and lets go of the sheet.
lwj's hand comes to lay on top of his, pressing it into the bed. he also angles his cock upwards so the tip drags against the skin right behind wwx's balls, and the knowledge of that makes wwx let out a small moan.

lwj lets out a grunt, too. he whispers to him, "i'm close."
"yeah, lan zhan... that's so hot, fuck, keep going--"

encouraged by the sounds, lwj comes in between wwx's thighs. he aims his tip to smear his release all over that tight space, and lastly into the cleft of his ass. (holy shit, wwx never believed him to be so filthy.)
(he loves it. so much.)

lwj barely makes any sounds. only his breathing has gotten harder, and now, pleased with the result, he then turns wwx over, kissing him to stop him from talking even before he gets the chance. lwj's hand goes down in order to jerk him off next.
wwx spills his lovely pleas and repeats of lan zhan's name right into lwj's mouth and pulls him closer. the wetness between his legs is a constant reminder, and lwj's hand around his dick knows what it's doing. "i really like that, lan zhan, oh, lan--fuck..so good, mmh--"
he's always known he's vocal. with lwj, it's no different. the best part is that he can now freely repeat lan zhan's name, and not try to hide it or cover his mouth in the secrecy of his room, and only imagining lwj's lips on his. this time it's real.
lwj holds him like he's touched him before. (he has, but not like this.) it's sexy and makes him appear very confident, and it's working, nicely building that edge for wwx.

when wwx reaches his peak, his hips come up to thrust into lwj's hand.
he comes where lwj aims his cock, somewhere into the direction of his own belly, and lwj strokes him through it while kissing his jaw and listening to the sounds coming from the back of his throat. soft little sighs, pleased, high pitched moans.
lwj didn't know wwx could sound like that.

it's fucking wonderful. he sounds so needy and just..lovely. absolutely lovely. lwj is so hungry for more. he kisses him on the mouth with all the intention to spend the rest of his night making out and holding him, because now he can.
🤭❤️ /extra thoughts:

wwx keeps wearing booty shorts. lwj touches his ass a lot more now, trailing up along his thighs and appreciating..

wwx sends lwj many pictures, which are a lot more rated than the ones before. pics with butt plugs and tight shorts are his favourites.
/more extras:

now they've gotten to the nudes stage..and there's no end to it.

maybe they even get to film that video, from wwx's self-cam pov, of lwj slowly fucking his ass, going so deep it has wwx dropping the phone.
the phone keeps filming the ceiling and all you can hear is wwx getting wrecked. his loud sobs..


that's it, thank you for reading
LAN WANGJI'S SELFIE HAS APPEARED 🥵🥵🥵 OH MY GOD https://twitter.com/WElCRYING/status/1325528212408053761
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