With the Biden/Harris win, I see a lot of trans people parroting the same misinformation campaign about Kamala Harris, claiming she argued to house trans women in men's prisons as CA attorney general.

This isn't true. The truth is, like the truth always is, more complicated...
What Harris did was be attorney general while the state was arguing in court against two trans inmates having the GRS paid for by the state Department of Corrections inn 2015. Harris was not personally involved with the case but has accepted responsibility for it and apologized.
This incident is fair from "okay," but it's important to report on it honestly and in context and actually be mad about what happened rather than turn a complex figure into a soulless boogeywoman...
Harris has a strong record on LGBTQ and even trans rights outside this incident, stronger than most other Senators. She's authored or sponsored every pro-trans law since being seated, including 2 (unsuccessful) national bans on the trans panic defense.
And no, I'm not arguing that minorities need to just accept abuse for some greater good. It's okay to be pissed about injustice and call out bad behavior, but it's also important to look at people—especially powerful potential allies—as a whole rather than at single incidents.
Whether we love her or not, Harris is one of the better allies the trans community has in federal government right now. She's proven she's willing to acknowledge and grow beyond her past fuckups.

I don't think she's an angel, but I think she's someone we can work with.
Anyway, now that I've probably cost myself a couple hundred followers and earned a brand as a neo-liberal or a centrist or something, I'm going to mute this thread and go get lunch.
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