Just got some Kosher Kush...yummm.

Got me thinking...so this might turn into a small thread.

Too many times to count, I have heard President Trump say that he was fighting to give the country back to We, The People.

I cheered...woohoo!..

I didn’t really give it too deep a consideration until today, though. What did he mean when he said that? HOW do you give the country back to the people? I mean it’s already ours, right? We live here, work here, die here...so what is he getting at?
According to the US Constitution, We The People have control of our country by one simple process...Voting.
It is our Voice, and it is how We stop our Government from doing things we don’t agree with. It is a means to our progress and a protection for our Liberty.
When President Trump says he is returning the country to the People he means giving us our Voice back...our Vote.
Because right now, as I write this, people in this country are trying very hard to to steal our Voice and It now causes me to question EVERY election past and present
How long has this flagrant cheating been taking place? How many long-held Democrat strongholds have been doing this to maintain power? If they would attempt this with a Presidential election, how many local elections are now questionable? How many “career” politicians are guilty?
Suddenly I’m slapped with a difficult thought. Has my vote EVER mattered? Have these snakes in Washington been laughing at me the whole time, spewing platitudes in my ear while enriching themselves off the tax payer. How deep, how far, does this go?
And then I think about this crazy uncle of mine who says things like, “Sometimes you can’t tell them, you have to show them.”
He’s funny like that. You should acquaint yourself with him sometime if you haven’t already. He says all kinds of crazy sh*t.
Maybe it’s a stretch, a little mental gymnastics, to put Uncle’s words here but it’s kind of important to the current situation.
If our Voice (Vote) has been stolen and almost no one was aware the theft had occurred, how do we get it back? Who is left to help give it back?
This guy!
But half the country HATES that guy. Half the country would outright refuse to listen to anything he has to say about anything ever. They detest him. So how do you convince those people to listen to whats going on, to open their damn hate-blinded eyes and SEE.

Uncle knew.
You have to SHOW them.
Let them see it with their own eyes. Let them become personally affronted by the corruption.
As vid after vid, witness after witness, splashes across media the flagrant cheating is becoming obvious to everyone.
President Trump knew it was going to happen. I’m pretty sure he had a Plan because he’s..well, ya know..Him
And he did promise to give us back our country.
And that man KEEPS his promises.
Am I worried? Yes.
But I’m going to trust President Trump, and I’m going to Trust The Plan
Oh, by the way...here he is telling you about it all in 2016

https://bit.ly/38kFvZG 👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻
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