the little twins always being together and gossiping and whispering in hushed voices and giggling
Osamu can always go and hang out with all the other kids, since everyone seem to like him but it's very different for don't really like him because he's somehow
different and kids don't like different
Atsumu tells Osamu thousands of times that it's okay for Osamu to go and play with others, to leave him alone (he even tries fighting with Osamu so he would chase him away so that Osamu can have fun with others, not isolate himself with
Atsumu but Osamu still stays with him)
Atsumu isn't stupid or blind, he sees the way people slowly start avoiding his brother as well because the two are always together, he notices how Osamu starts not even looking over to greet others
And it pains him..because he blames himself
for making his brother be an outsider..
But Osamu loves his brother and he doesn't understand all the other kids, why would they dislike Atsumu so much? So what if he sometimes says things in a bit harsh and unpolished way? He was simply saying what was on his mind, not trying to
cover it all up with nice words and smiles! And Osamu liked that about Atsumu, liked how honest and real he was, even when he knew it might cause him having friends
"I don't want 'friends' that can't handle hearin the truth!" Atsumu groans out after yet another failed attempt
at trying to have some new friends
Atsumu looks all angry and then all blank, like this doesn't affect him in any way but Osamu knows..he knows that each night Atsumu would sneak into his bed and hug Osamu as tight as he could, sobbing and shaking in his brother's hands, thanking
him and apologizing to him, until he eventually passed out, still crying
So you can only imagine how starting high school felt for both of them, how nervous and scared they were of what they would find
When they're a few weeks into the school year, of course in the school's
vball team, Osamu felt that tingle in his chest as he watched Atsumu laugh with other people, watched other people laugh with Atsumu, approach Atsumu to have a chat, but of course both of them knew that this soon might all fall apart
It's not like high school Atsumu was a whole
different person, he was still different but thanks to all the hard work he's put into improving his skills he was different in a way that didn't make people scrunch their noses and hiss out some insult, he was on another level with his vball skills, not shy to show off and to
share some tips and ideas with others, trying to improve their play as well.
Of course, Atsumu would again say his honest opinion on things, would again get too angry too easily and Osamu would always try to be there to fight him down, to avoid Atsumu fighting others because he
knows others don't know Atsumu as he does and he knows that if Atsumu fights with them they might not make up like the twins make up.
But as Atsumu was firing up again one day, Osamu all ready to jump in, Kita walked into the scene and actually managed to cool Atsumu down with
only a few words
And not only him! Aran, who they knew from middle school was there too, able to have a way to talk things over with Atsumu and try help him say things in a better way, there was Suna who seemed like he didn't care but Osamu knew he was occasionally sending Atsumu
some funny videos in their chat, there was Gin who was always there to ask Atsumu for some tips on how to improve, there was Akagi that was just so cool and so chill that even when Atsumu was blurting out some hurtful truths, Akagi would just pat Atsumu on the back and be all
"yeah yeah, talk to me again when ya cool off"
There was Oomimi that looked really intimidating but hated conflict so he would too try and actually talk sense into Atsumu, pulling him outside the gym to talk with him, there was the coach that was a very adequate grown up, not
trying to solve problems he knows his players can't solve alone, he would always get involved when he saw things were more serious but he trusted them to fix things on their own, knowing they were all good kids
And this all made Osamu feel...just Feel!
now he found himself
sneaking into Atsumu's bed, hugging his brother close and asking in a quiet whisper "are ya all good?" and the relief he felt when Atsumu nodded, knowing Atsumu never lies to Osamu (not about serious things that is, he lies about not eating his pudding but that's another thing)
Osamu would then pull Atsumu close and just fall asleep, calm because he knew his brother was okay, because he knew that even if he wasn't able to be there for Atsumu, Atsumu would be okay
They weren't kids anymore and soon they were to go down their own paths and nothing made
Osamu move calm than knowing that his brother would be okay
There were of course occasions when Atsumu would sneak into Osamu's bed and cry himself to sleep but the reason now wasn't that he wasn't liked by anyone but because his play that day sucked or because he felt bad for
saying something a bit too rude to Osamu or anyone else
"Ya know that soon ya won't have me to come cry to at night, right?" Osamu really wonders whether it was okay to say this one night. But the sigh and the tightening arms around him calmed him down a bit
"Why do ya think I'm
doin it so often then? Yer gonna miss me soooo much so I'm makin sure to give ya all the good night cuddles while I can! I know ya need it!"
And that left Osamu shocked and speechless because....
"I said ya need it, asshat. What'd'ya not get? Now hush and let me have
my beauty sleep!" Atsumu proceeds to bury his face in his brothers chest then, quickly doozing off into dreamland, leaving Osamu lay there and hold back his tears all those times that he thought he was protecting Atsumu from everything, Atsumu was most likely doing
the exact same thing, in his own Atsumu way
And Osamu realized that he really did need this, he needed to squeeze Atsumu close to him, reassuring himself that they were okay, they were good, even with the last events and big fight, they were good now
And then the tears would
leave place for a warm smile, allowing Osamu to join Atsumu in the dreamland, grateful for having Atsumu and glad that Atsumu has him too
They were always gonna have each other's support, no matter what and even if they were gonna end up not being able to cuddle each other to
sleep anymore, Osamu knew they would find some other way to comfort each other on hard days or share the joy on good days, he knew they were gonna be just fine
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