Many people (guiltiers) like to claim that Michael Jackson paid $20, $22 even $23million in the 1993 settlement to the Chandlers. None of which are true!

You will see something mentioned in the settlement agreement called a "Confession Of Judgment"
A Confession of judgment is a promise to pay at a later date. A CoJ allows the plaintiffs to start collections on the debt without having to file another lawsuit if the person defaults.
The CoJ was a “Confession” by Jackson that he agreed to pay the Chandlers
A confession of judgment is a written statement signed by the defendant, and verified by his oath, to the effect of

Confession of Judgment Without Action: California Civili Procedure code section 1133 (2) & 1133 (3)

The amount stated in this confession of Judgment is $15,331,250. This is the absolute TOTAL amount Michael Jackson paid the Chandlers.

Jackson would NOT have paid a cent more than what it stated in the confession of Judgment!
Seeing as the (settlement payment) section has been redacted from the settlement document we do not know for sure how the $15,331,250 was divided up. What we do know is that the $15.331.250 was paid over 4 payments.
What we also know is & as per the contingency with how Larry Feldman set up his fee schedule percentage, he received approx $3million from this settlement + expenses ($331.250)
1st $5mill -25% $1.250m
2nd $5mill -20% $1m
3rd $5mill -15% $750k
There is nothing publicly available to confirm how much Evan/June got but with Guardian Ad Litem costs its rumored to have been $1.5million each. Natalie got $550.000 from the 93 settlement in her divorce from Evan, so we know for a fact it was more than $1.1million
If you hear/see anything that states Jackson paid more than $15,331,250 it's utter baloney!

Feldmans fees/expenses, Evan & Junes money were all part of the $15.331.250 as that's what the confession of Judgment was for!
Everyone makes a big deal out of this massive amount of money Michael Jackson paid. In reality we have no idea if this is a huge amount, if only we could compare it to other settlements of any nature paid by celebrities.
Most of those s/ments are almost always confidential therefore in reality we have nothing to gauage it to in order to call it a “MASSIVE” amount. How much have other wealthy celebrities paid to get rid of nuisance lawsuits? Anything that is public, is always for multimillions
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