the balance between keeping your clients in the know as far as your schedule and also just dealing with daily life as we know it right now through grief and literal trauma unfolding every moment is tough.
i am someone who really firmly believes in doing my best to let my clients know if i am having issues and need time- chronic pain and depression and life's various hardships have given me lots of practice with that. but it is still hard sometimes. (2/?)
this is something a lot of artists have been struggling with for over half a year. i think there can be a middle grounds of being firm and wanting your art to be completed, and also having a lot of compassion, because ANY work right now is an extremely challenging hardship. (3/?)
i know a lot of people have a hard time communicating, and honestly i think usually that is even a weak argument to me because its something you just have to do when you are being paid by clients. BUT, right now is PERPETUALLY upsetting times for a metric shitton of people. (4/?)
so i just hope everyone can be both firm in wanting their paid job completed and also understanding that a lot of people are unable to work at full capacity because of the state of their world right now. 😔 i know getting frustrated is especially easy right now- (5/?)
which, in my opinion, is why being compassionate and flexible has just that much more impact on the people around you. 💗 (6/6, for now lol)
basically i just feel like it can mean a lot to people when you are compassionate about how hard it is forcing yourself to work while your emotional and sometimes basic needs arent being met 😔 i know we share that pyramid of needs as a joke but it is seriously real.
when you are an artist, SAFETY NEEDS can be reliant on SELF-ACTUALIZATION. so when PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS arent even being met, can you see how tough it can be to access the top of that pyramid? 😟 this is the reality of what people have to try to do to survive. its crazy!!
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