That being said....
Can we roast these mfers now??
Stephen Miller looks Iike his mama got drunk and banged a xenomorph and got pregnant

Jared Kushner looks like the ghost of a Victorian child who died of consumption possessed him

William Barr is the kind of guy who would--
Call Animal Control on Marley and Lassie, bite himself and then lie about them doing it
Ivanka says Live Laugh Love as she steps on a homeless person in her knockoff red bottoms

Don Jr. looks like he hires a prostitute to dress up like his dad and tell him she loves him while--
cries and touches himself

Eric Trump looks like he eats a sock every morning because someone told him needed more fiber in his diet
Rudy Guilani got a mouthful of D&,D dice for teeth ...he smiles and rolls a nat D20

Kayleigh McEnany looks like the president of an HOA who-
intentionally tells you the wrong specifications for yard decorations JUST so she can make you take it down later and then ends the convo with " mmmkay?"

Melania is that lady who loves to tell poc of color she is almost as dark as they are but don't want them to touch her
I'm not mentioning him...Orange Cheeto has occupied to much of our time already

Oops forgot Mike Pence

Mike Pence sits in the dark and watches American Beauty over and over just for Chris Coopers performance and whispers
"Its like they know me...."
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