It is lovely to see so many people wanting to contribute to the parent/child love playlist. Lots of songs I don’t know, at all. Which is great. But more to the point, lots of people thinking about how these songs resonate with them, how powerfully, and why.
I think even a few minutes reflecting on the love you’ve felt, either for your kids or from your parents, is a wise use of your time.
I first performed my “current” tour show, Work of the Devil, at last year’s Edinburgh festival. It ended up being an expression of gratitude, on stage every night, for the fact of my existence and what my parents had to go through, I’d learned, to make that happen.
It had the most astounding, if unintentional effect on my mental health. I honestly felt my default mood change, rise, over the course of the month. I was permanently happier and could induce a wonderful warm feeling, of love towards humanity, almost at will.
If you ever have the chance to testify such a thing, in front of an audience – let alone in front of the people you are rightly grateful to – I would strongly urge you to take it. Large, highly profitable organisations – arguably the Church itself – are built on such practises.
But there is no need to sign up to anything. You’d be surprised how powerful it is just shared with a few friends.
The last four years have been a weird time on social media (which is itself for me scarcely ten years old). If Trump is on the way out now one thing I absolutely won’t miss is people bonding over their hatred of him, and their contempt for his constituency.
Hatred is such an attractive organising principle, but it flatters to deceive.

Expressing hatred for Katie Hopkins, Toby Young, Nigel Farage – it feels good, it creates communities and gets you affirmation – but it’s still hate.
Anything you can do to focus on the people in your life towards whom you feel gratitude - believe me, that will give you a much longer lasting high, and almost no come down at all. Practise it regularly and you might just stay up, for good.
(Sorry if that sounds a bit wet, or off brand. But honestly, I'd much rather be known as that comedian that's always telling you to ring your old Mum, than the one who seems a bit too tolerant of populist demagogues.)
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